Build your reputation in steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello steamians ,

More reputation = more gains.

The first and most important thing to focus on in steemit is your reputation, when you join steemit first time we get reputation level 25 and then according to your posts ,comments and received upvotes your reputation goes up and down.

here are some tips to gain reputation and to avoid getting flagged and lose your reputation.

Take care of your articles and make sure to add value to readers.
Make sure to vote back any user has followed you.
Encourage people to follow you at the end of every article you post.
Don't get involved in discussion or content that you don't have any idea about

Never copy-past other users posts or comments.
make sure to mention the source when you copy the things from an external source.
Never direct ask people to follow you or upvote you .