What exactly does it take to be successful on Steemit?
When you want to be successful at something, anything for that matter, it is very important to have a specific goal in mind. Once you know WHERE you are going, it is ONLY THEN that you will get there. I often have to reach a certain destination, but because I have a really really really bad sense of direction, I need a GPS to guide me. Success works exactly the same.
Have a clear vision and don't post too much
If you want to be successful it is important to know exactly WHAT you are doing. Many people believe that you have to post five or six times a day to build a better reputation, but I honestly believe that ONE quality post will do it. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, and if you stick to one post per day, then you should be successful. Just remember Rome was not built in one day, but today it is a beautiful city....
Build a reputation on top of your Steemit reputation.
If you want to be noticed, you should NOT spam the comments by adding silly things like UPVOTE ME I UPVOTE YOU. I have muted many people because of that little sentence. Many people put in a lot of effort into their posts and we all want to be recognized on the platform, but NOTHING annoys me more than someone asking to be upvoted. Rather leave a proper comment and chances are that I will check out your blog.
I love to make new friends, and I have made MANY dear friends here on Steemit. Many of the people that I follow are solid and they are committed to the platform. We ALL have the same goal in mind. We all want Steemit to succeed, so make friends with the right people.
Do not give up!
We have all been there, and at times we also wanted to give up, but we believed in Steemit and we stuck with it. MANY people helped to build this platform to where it is now. We also made 10 cent on a post and there were days when we made nothing at all, but that did NOT make us give up. We are still here, aren't we?
Think about others!
Even though I have been stuck on a 68 reputation for a while now and I somehow miraculously have nearly 900 followers, I amazingly only get up to a hundred votes per day. I am not posting less, and there is nothing wrong with the quality of the posts, but for some reason people do not get to see my posts. This brings me to my next point.
DO not follow blindly!
If you follow too many people you might miss out on many quality posts. In real life you choose your friends carefully, so why not do it here? You obviously follow someone because you like their content...why else would you even follow someone? Another option, if you follow too many people is to set up a bot. You will even earn curation rewards and then you don't even have to actually manually upvote anyone anymore. Go have a look at the following two links.
www.steemvoter.com or https://streemian.com/
I have recently started to unfollow many people and now put in more effort to actually get back to engaging with my friends. I finally get to read some of my favorite author's posts again!
If you struggle with anything, please ask. Please join the Steemit newbies page on Facebook, or follow me here on Steemit. You are free to ask me anything at anytime, and I will make sure to help or even guide you to the correct people that should be able to answer your questions. If we all work together, Steemit can only be successful!
Very true - ironically I only saw this post because I was researching unfollowers for my post about unfollowing! :)
Steemit does take a bit of persistance
Thats an awesome post and great advice..thank you
Thanks for the advise as I am new this will most definitely be of use. I highly appreciate it ☺️
Good luck with your journey here on Steemit. Work hard and don't give up. ASK if you struggle. This is a great community and everyone is very helpful.
Thanks. It's really a great piece of advise. Yes when we are new to this platform we try every possible way to get notified , so we post lot of useless stuff , follow many people hoping they will follow back(which really doesn't happen) and end of the day we get nothing. So it's true quality is more important than quantity.
Quality wins every time. Good luck with your journey here on Steemit!
Thanks a lot :-)
Really liked ur post! Wish u have great interactions here!
Honestly I realized that as well , don't post too much because you will have a better reputation from one strong post . I'm learning a lot being here . Steemit has given my life a second chance and I'm very thankful for it and the community
Steemit is a wonderful community. Just keep on going. You will eventually get there. It is a long and hard journey but keep that goal in mind. Hard work always pays off. Thank you for commenting.
I recently wrote about steemit changing my life and I hope I can keep going and working hard . Thanks !
Steemit has changed my life as well, it has been a wonderful journey so far! If you are determined then you can do it!
Good tips, I think the point on posting less frequently is interesting, I think my problem is I get excited about something as soon as I see it and want to share it quickly, those posts tend to get very few or no votes at all, and no comments. So I will take that away from this post.
I actually prefer commenting to posting, its hard to find interesting things to post about, but easy to enjoy others content. Cheers
Commenting is the way to start. Believe me, you never run out of any ideas. I think about my posts all through the day...I even dream about it sometimes, but I make a note if I find something interesting and if my head is blank, then I go back to my list. Enjoy your steemit journey. It is a wonderful journey and you meet many new and interesting people here. Just keep going!
This is such a good post !!! I agree 100% with what your saying, especially on not to giving up ! No one got anywhere in life by just sitting by doing nothing, wishing they want to do it.
You hit the nail right on the head. Excellent advise for all. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you...I hope enough people read this...ha ha ha!
Great points, particularly don't post too much. No one wants to have their feed filled by one person. It's kinda why I started to hate Facebook!
Hi there! I am glad to inform you that YOU ARE STILL on my followers list. :) You upvote me, I upvote you

Wayhay! I always make so intrigued to check out your posts. Good posts are a pleasure to read!
I thank you sir! My sister in law @naomi.louise loves your posts too.
Aw that's smashing, I have given her a follow!
I think that is all great advice. I only follow people I truly enjoy and I visit those people almost every day or every other day. If more people would write good quality posts then I might follow more people but it's often hard to find steemers who are fun to interact with. The easy money element draws spammers in to flood the site with low quality content.
You are doing great! I love your posts...you are so right about the spammers in the feeds, I can't stand it so I hope people listen a bit if they actually read my post. LOL!
Thank you for these points. I believe I have been trying to implement them but it helps to get them reinforced from a senior Steemian like you. I do take your point about not using the 'upvote me and I upvote you' barter system. Thanks
Upvoted and followed.
I have posted an outlook on burden of life with my original pictures. I request you to take a look when you have time. Your views, experiences and comments on the subject would be very welcome. Thanks
Hi @vm2904. I checked out your blog and will definitely keep an eye out for your posts. It is the first time in my life that I have been called a senior for anything...LOL! Just keep on doing what you are doing. Be true to yourself and write and post about things that YOU enjoy. It is your blog and there will always be people on the lookout for certain types of posts, so just be free and enjoy it. There are MANY successful Steemians out there, and I have not come across anyone that is not willing to help. Just don't ever quit.
It's to credit the HF19, because afterwards not only the payouts have risen but also the daily postings.
"Greed is back in the house!"
But with the sharp rise in quantity quality took a hard hit right into the face. As always... - "it's all because the money", a quick buck means for some of us more than a nice lil conversation.
I like to see things grow slow but steady, like in nature. Putting seed into the earth and let the time be time, and the patience will get its right!
When I've published a post, I first look if anyone has responded, because you only know who you are by connecting with other people... - their thoughts... - their dreams... - their visions... - and their failures!
THNX for the great post... - I've also pushed the Unfollow Button quite some times today.
Great advice about following too many people. I find myself having to specifically go to the blogs of those whose posts I really like because I miss them in my feed.
It is definitely difficult to follow too many people. It honestly helps to follow less. I really wish you luck on this platform.
Thanks! Back at you!
When you figure it out let me know! Good advice, especially about not posting too much, I think... People are having to conserve on votes or cut back. If people post too much they won't get the votes. I've cut back to 1 or 2 a day!
But I wish you would post more and faster...LOL! I enjoy quality posts...
I posted a chapter of the Night Gods today and the Lottery Council will be tomorrow... ( only got 10 fingers lol) and can only use two to type!
It could use an upvote and RS too (hint hint)
Your wish is my command! My husband also types with two fingers...lol
Ah... Bless you (I'm trying to write my way out of a bind without powering down)...Tell your husband all great writers type that way lol!
I had to power down a few weeks ago to pay my son's university fees and to fix my husband's car. Rebuilding my steem now. It would frustrate me terribly to type with two fingers...you should hire a typist!
That would take all of the fun out of it! I write, light a cigarette and pace around... then write...
Very nice post, as always and as someone said understandable thank you.
I joined a few months ago and quickly quit because it was such a confusing mess of strategy and pandering. I came back because I like blogging and decided to just have fun writing and comment on stuff I like. I won't get anything done if I burn out from playing the game and quit.
Thank you - honest and straight forward without a lot of terms I do not know what it means
You just did justice to a lot of problems encountered by newbies on steemit. welldone
Thank you @gbenga good luck with your journey here on Steemit!
thanks.. i hope to have a sweet ride
A very informative yet straight forward post. I enjoyed reading this but more importantly you have taught me something.
& for that, I am extremely grateful. Thank you for taking the time to enrich others' knowledge base.
Thank you.
Focus and Consisten