
Hi, giddyupngo

  • Account balance: 0$
  • Your current max allowed amount: 0.11337$
  • Your Min. Voting Power for upvoting: 90%
  • Your current Voting Power: 89.5292%
  • Your current vote value: 0.0226739$

Hi @upvotebank, could you check my account? I had a 0.02 balance a few days ago, now it is 0, and I don't think I've gotten any votes. Do the votes come from @upvotebank or other accounts? Please let me know which post you upvoted. Thanks!

Hi @giddyupngo, sorry for the late answer.

I have now looked at your account log and your right. An error happed when you created your last post

and you did not receive your votes. Sorry for that :-/
There are some "funny" errors in your account log, so please get back if you do not receive votes next time you make a post.
I have now set your balance to 0.5 for the inconvenience. (

Regarding where the votes come from, then they come from the other members. But as the upvotebank account are a member, it could also come it.

Thanks for the quick resolution. :-)