You have a point - there's definitely room for growth - steemit only has about 50000 accounts - no where close to Facebook colossal stature - still in the innovator to bordering early adopter stage @thedashguy
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Exactly. The price rise will be epic, but beyond that is the platform itself, changing the world!
And the platform is changing and upgrading every day. ;)
I agree, steemians will move up the learning curve and improve as time goes by - the cocept is phenomenal - only thing is the gaming of the system - humans vs bots apocalypse that is a key issue , and the 4 posts rule @thedashguy thanks for the brief chat
Thank you for this post and comment @thedashguy! It's inspiring.
So where are we now in this chart? The early adopters?
No, the innovators, the 2.5%.
Steemit is still in BETA, which means it is still testing. We just had an gui (graphical user interface) overhaul a week ago. Reputations changed to a double digit number.. all of this in a couple of weeks.
We're still very much at the 2.5% innovator stage still.
It all depends on how many users end up using the steem blockchain within the next 5 years. If its 1 billion, you are easily going to be the first 1% of users.
And of that 50k there is a very small % that is active. I think many open an account thinking they will strike gold, and after 2-3 failed attempts that go back to wherever it is they came from. If you have faith in something you have to take the long road.