Voting Power Update - VP at 92%

in #steemit6 years ago

VP Recharging - Please Do Not Submit Any Posts Until Fully Recharged.

The givememonsters DEC bot is sitting at 92% and has held up very nicely lately. The maximum submission is now only 10 DEC and gets a $0.02 upvote on any post plus upvotes from all of our staked steem-engine tokens for no additional cost. Its a great ROI. Feel free to use it whenever you please!

Thank you.


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Can we send cards for an upvote still? Sure - you would say to me "a card is minimum 15 DEC so just burn it and send the bot the DEC" BUT you see I have an issue with burning that extends into my offline life, I can't get rid of anything! I've only ever burned one card and it was such an ordeal for my mind to be able to accept doing it LOL With beta packs winding down it's become that much harder. I don't care if someone else is burning them, but for myself #BurningisMurder haha.

I'm crazy I know, I'm here to annoy and be a troll 🤷🏻‍♀️🃏


@kharma.scribbles we aren't accepting cards for votes anymore because the service is entirely run via code / bot service now to only accept DEC. With that said, we're such a small service that to get an upvote all it requires is 10 DEC. If you're grappling with burning cards, I'd probably just say burn 1 rusty andriod then if you have a ton of those. If not, all you need to likely do is win one battle to probably make enough DEC to get an upvote. The DEC requirement is so small it's generally speaking not too much of an issue for people to send over a spare 10 DEC. Hope this helps.

Ooo! I re-read this post and understand 100% now! It's no longer like a bid-bot for vote stake, it's basically a for sure (immediate?) upvote and MAXIMUM is 10 DEC..

This can be used for any posts, not just Splinterlands related? What is the max age allowed?


@kharma.scribbles you are correct. It's an on demand vote which means you send anywhere from 1-10 DEC, 5 DEC for $0.01, 10 DEC for $0.02 and any other number from 1 to 10 makes the vote values adjust accordingly automatically. You can submit a link for an upvote from anything, with any tags, and it does not have to be Splinterlands related at all. If you submit a link that contains other tags as well like palnet, battle, spt, etc. for which we have staked tokens then you get upvotes from us on those sites as well for no additional cost. It's an added benefit of using our service.