Well I share to my almost 5000 followers on my artist page on fb.... and I have been sharing some of my Steemposts there , and I have to admit that I dont think that fb is blocking the Steem posts that I share on my artistspage
here are some screenshots of posts that I shared... one them I boosted... and you I actually got a coupon of 30 dkk from fb and they suggested that I used it to boost that post = fb paid to promote my steem blogpost ...
as you can see the organic spread was 456 and the paid was 1049... a total of 1505 people were reached
I am not saying that fb is not blocking some posts, I am just showing that it does not appear to be the case with the posts I have shared from my steem blog yet...
Keep up the steemin' and spread the happy vibes !
This sounds like Facebook trying to keep their marketshare of the social media realm and as long as they fully incorporate Steemit... and innovate in a ton of other ways.. they might have a shot lol
I think so, it is hard to say as I have read people saying their posts shared from steem were blocked and marked as spam ... so maybe some are blocked ... it's hard to say .. but I do think coexistence is possible, and would be good all around ... especially since steem posts might up the general level of content on fb
I have a feeling it already has
yes, I think so too
Maybe they don't like competition...
I think you failed to read my post ... lol
I am actually saying that none of the post I shared seemed to have been blocked and that fb even gave me a coupon to promote one of the hehe ... I guess you were a bit fast on the trigger there hehe
Its hard to get people to read!
Yup ... that is why I usually stick with short sentences .. lol
It wouldnt surprise me thb. FB is a corporation whos only interest is in power and profit. They dont give a fuck about us. They take all our data and sell it to the highest bidder and all we get in exchange is a shitty centralized manipulated platform. No thanks FB, fuck off
Thank you for your feedback... as far as what you are writing it wouldn't surprise me either ... I was more surprised that the suggested my steem post for promotion and paid for it with a coupon lol
You are right people are commenting without reading the post, that has happened to me a lot.
It is actually quite funny... people seem to deduct from the title what the post is saying ... but really don't bother to read it ... it has me laughing ... also funny if the content is a 15 minute long video and 1 minute after it is posted you get comments like ...awesome content, i loved it hmnnn 1 minute after I post a 15 minute video ... I dont think so hehe
Yes mine are going thru without any issues as well.
Great to hear that,I saw a post today saying fb was blocking the shared posts from here, and I never had an issue, so I was looking to see if others had my experience too ...
Pretty neat... I would think that FB would want to block some Steemit Promotions but guess not. I'm surprised they even encouraged it. Great stuff... Thanks for sharing.
Yup I was surprised too, that is why I wanted to share my experience so far on here ...but it might be depending on titles or something ... as I read a few other posts that said their shared from steem had been blocked and marked as spam, would be interesting to find out what the criteria is ... Have a great day and thank you for reading hihi
My pleasure... :)