Increasing readership of your STEEMIT is both art and science. Take a look at these quick ways you can drive traffic and attract the audience you want.
Every business owner who's ever hosted a STEEM has experienced the frustration of trying to gain readership. Though we’d all like it if readers just magically came to us, the reality is, it takes some work to build an audience.
It’s easy to get frustrated and just give up on steemit or blogging, but once you experience the benefits and income, you'll understand that your steem post or blog content can have a tremendous impact on your income or business by attracting traffic to your post or site, helping you build a social media audience and making an impression on prospects and clients alike, you can share with your friend on other social media concerning your steem post or blog. write little of your content and put the link to your post for them to read more on your steemit post. By this you introduce steemit, draw traffic to your steemit post and even make more money along side.