I Made it on Big Steemit! Should I Quit my Job?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


When I first joined this platform I didn't know anything about it. I'm seeing and hearing stories of ppl quitting their jobs and making a living off of this site that's still in its infancy. Its crazy but also pretty inspiring stuff!

I've been on YouTube making videos for over a year and I get hundreds of views on my channel a day but with the adsense monetization I only make pennies. Even really big channels are dropping Youtube because of their new policies. It's super hard to make money from your content there.

So I come over to Steemit and I'm seeing wallets just filled with money and hearing all these stories of ppl blowing up in a short time and even quitting their day jobs.. it's quite inspiring!

I'm not here to make money but it is a nice perk. I just dropped over to Steemit because my passion is stacking precious metals and coin collecting..I was just looking to get in on that community here on Steemit.


But now I see other bloggers from different avenues making big bucks from posting a few paragraphs and copying and pasting pics and gifs. Why wouldn't I try that right?

Ive noticed the precious metals segment here doesn't get the same kind of exposure most the other sub sections get so maybe I'll rethink what I want to do here?

Maybe I'll try blogging about other things than just gold and silver? I'm interested in alot of different things and I have many hobbies I enjoy and could share...

The problem for me, as u probably already noticed is, I'm not a very good writer. I've never really even blogged before.

The only social media site I'm on right now is YouTube. I'm not even on Facebook anymore, I quit that because I was just tired of having to log on all the time throughout the day..it was an addiction almost but I wasn't really getting any enjoyment from it.

I see a ton of potential here. Even tho I'm a bit late to the party I know this site is just lifting off. I'm gonna work on my writing going forward and study the good blogs so I can see how they're formatted and layed out.

In summary, i kinda troll titled this but it was with a good purpose. I have a question perhaps u could be kind enough to answer..Is it kosher deli if my blog is completely random in what it features? Or should I stick to one genre so I don't alient my 100 followers that I have now? They maybe expecting precious metal and coin collecting content only


I actually have one more question for ya..is it possible to have two usernames on here so I could keep one strictly for gold and silver?

*If u made it all the way thru this ramble i thank u and appreciate your support!



great post, i think let your whole self hang out, people will take the bits they need, you're going to be great to have here on steemit so welcome!

Oh that was super nice! I've already met some wonderful ppl in the 2 weeks I been on here so I'm gonna stick to it for sure

Very good post my friend. You can blog about whatever you want man. I do, as you may have noticed, and I haven't lost any followers (or many followers) due to my bouncing around of themes. The two usernames thing is an interesting topic. For example, my wife has an account and I do too. I think you can have two accounts, but they may check your IP address and not allow the creationg of more than one account per IP - not 100% sure about that one. I think you write well bud, keep it up. I'm in the for the long haul, as many of us are. You might be semi-late to the party, but so was I! I just joined in May of 2017. Even though we're kind of late, we're really still in beta mode, which rumor has it we might be getting off of beta mode soon! So I think you came at the perfect time LOL. All the best my friend and don't hesitate to ask anything. I'll do my best to help you with my understanding of this platform!

You're really good at it. I'm gonna put the work in to try to create blogs I'd enjoy reading too. Thx again for all the help Vegan!

My pleasure mah brotha fromma different motha. Thanks for the compliment!

oh man.

short answer? YES.

long answer? Really make sure you can sustain... blah blah blah... (I just quit my job, last day is July 28)

And by the looks of your collection, I'd say you have some cushion. Beautiful assortment. :)

thanks for sharing @goldenarms - looking forward to more from you.


Thanks for watching, jazz hands! Lol

Anyone suffering from youtube should move to daiymotion and imqq.
Does vid.me have ad revenue sharing?

Um..idk? I actually never thought of dailymotion and I never heard of imqq. I guess I don't get around much? Thx for stopping in tho stim

I keep my money in the bank..u keep yours on the floor.. but I still respect that :)

at least it can't go any lower.........?

Truth! Haha thx for the chuckle..

It's crazy early. We're in beta :)

Yeah I just learned that when I went to the search thingy. I joined because I was hearing the buzz on YouTube. I didn't know what to expect..it's already blown me away

I sure put all randomness out there for the world to see, none of it's paid off yet...

The judge told me to keep my randomness in my pants. Jerk

Is it kosher deli if my blog is completely random in what it features? Or should I stick to one genre so I don't alient my 100 followers that I have now?

There are differing opinions on this kinda stuff.. I suggest doing a google search to learn more.

I generally wanna keep all my stuff together cause it's easier and it all helps each other build faster, but.. There are perks to having a specific blog or channel dedicated to that, like you mentioned some subscribers might not like some of your other content.. I just personally don't really wanna take the time to do all the work on two separate channels. So.. I do it all on the same page. But to each their own!

Thank u very much for the detailed reply. Appreciate it. Yeah two would be mega work with my YouTube channel aswell I'm thinking. .

Cool post! Don't quit the job yet. It's better to have a stable source of income. Your post makes me want to add my silver assets to the table in my post... Think I will.

I think it's a great time to buy. But what do I know..who really knows actually. I won't be giving any financial advice on here or YouTube because I'd hate for anyone to listen to me and then lose money

I'm just going to try to spread what I think I know. Haha. It's clear that it's just the beginning!

Hey man, I don't see a problem with more than one topic in a blog. I have posted on all sorts of topics. Any topic I have a bit of knowledge on or especially some of my photo's and animal encounters. I have not been a copy and paste blogger though, I have tried to put in the effort and thought to all my posts from the start. No one seems to mind, and I suppose it diversifies my followers a bit. I think it might be a different story if it was just random copy and pastes or links to non-original content.
I think you can pay for another account, or you would just have to use a different phone for verification I suppose. What ever you decide to do, keep up those beautiful silver pics!

I promise! Thx for taking the time to read my longest post ever and for leaving a detailed and we'll thought out comment 👊😎

I usually just skim past the non-financial/metals stuff on steemit, but in saying that I do enjoy reading your articles (and seeing your sweet stash). You're articles come across very genuine and you have a good sense of humour.

Thanks alot, thats very nice of u to say! I skip the financial stuff aswell actually. I just collect metals cause I like looking at em and it's a fun hobby searching and acquiring stuff. I'm a collector..I've always been that way since u was i kid. It started w baseball cards and now it's gold and silver. Big ups for stopping in @alexmorris

Nice stacks man! What are your favorite gold and silver coins to collect?

Well I'm all over the place. The Perth Mint makes quality everything so I buy their gold and silver but I think my all time favorite would be the Mexican Libertads. They're stunning and the gold proof coins they make are very sought after and do very well over time

wow do other people do as well as you have here on steemit? Thanks

Didn't read the post....

Well u missed a few laughs, a couple deep thoughts and I even cried once..


My bad dude I thought you were being serious. Wasn't my place to be a douche. I apologize. ;)

post what you want, people will look at it if they want :)

Yeah you're right actually

I'm not sure about if you can create two accounts here, and I don't know if it's true it can earn much here. Just keep sharing nice content and what people like to see. Of course. I hope someday it can really cover some of my expenses in my daily life.

I guess if you want to make a living out of here, you gotta take this seriously.

We'll see where this goes? So far I'm having alot of fun so anything is a nice bonus

In my opinion (as small as it may be) just do you. Maybe I don't speak for everyone but yeah I tuned into your channel because of metal, but I stuck around because of you. We all have varying interests, hobbies, opinions, whatever. I think it's just as enjoyable to read about your experience as it is to read about your stack! I wouldn't bother making another account, just keep putting out awesome content and we'll all be your audience. Thanks for sharing with us, GA!

You are a gem man! Thanks for the kind words. I'm always gonna do metal but I'm gonna try some other stuff aswell that intrests me. Thx again!

Hell yea, Quit that stupid job. Working is for losers.

Yeah so is school and being nice to ppl! F that! :)