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RE: The System is Rigged, not STEEMIT, that is the total opposite, I mean the Global Financial System.!!

in #steemit8 years ago

I'm in agreement with you Stephen. I've been watching cryptocurrencies since the very beginning and STEEM is something that looks like a killer app for the industry, along with Ethereum.

We have to have a system where the time we spend communicating with each other results in tangible assets that can be leveraged into a tradeable commodity. Steemit does that.

This drives the opportunity cost for sharing ideas down. In our current monetary system access to physical capital is divorced from social capital and worse, it charges you for the access to that capital that they didn't earn.

It's a system designed from the ground up to roll wealth through coercion and debt to siphon off our energy into their hands.

Steemit and STEEM fundamentally reverses that process. There are still tweaks to be made to the system to more evenly distribute the capital but that's on the way.

Thanks for the post. Upvoted/Resteemed.


AWESOME..!! Thank you for the support. I really appreciate it. Stephen