100 SBD GIVEAWAY..... Win 20 SBDS for doing.... anything! Part II

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I am giving away 100 SBDs!

To reward all Steemians for making my last giveaway a success, I am increasing the prize amount from Part I of “Win 20 SBDs for doing....anything” to 100 SBDs total.

That means: 5 winners will each get 20 SBDs upon post pay out. I will choose 5 winners based on adherence to the rules, creativity, effort, originality, and effectiveness.


In addition, I am known for giving out BONUSes throughout contests if I get really excited about a submission.

Here are the rules:

  1. You can do anything.

  2. It has to be related to Menē and or Goldmoney.

  3. It must help my mission to democratize access to gold for all by promoting one or both of these two companies.

That’s it.

Need inspiration?

Here is part I: https://steemit.com/contest/@goldmatters/win-20-sbds-for-doing-anything-part-i

Here are the results: https://steemit.com/steemit/@goldmatters/win-20-sbds-for-doing-anything-part-i-winner-announced

Please see the above winner link for inspiration and ideas. The winner of the last contest, @pit-bullion, MELTED GOLD and made a “Goldmoney Button.” This demonstrated significant effort and creativity, which is part of what I am looking for in this contest along with adherence to the rules, orginality and effectiveness.




Do not feel your idea has to be limited to what someone else has already done.

You are a Steemian.

That means you are creative and you have a powerful voice. So let’s hear it .

I want every Steemian to be able to participate in this, so use any talent you have to compete. Whether you are a video blogger (hint: I love video content), a travel blogger (hint: gold jewelry is used in many countries...), a foodie (hint: a lot of fancy restaurants use gold in food), a singer (hint: see @coruscate), a crypto enthusiast (hint: watch @sevinwilson’s video on buying Menē with Steemit earnings) , a photographer (hint: hmmmm) , an artist ( hint: check out what @darkmrmystic did for my last contest!) , a researcher (hint: ask @kandies how to do research on Menē) ..... all Steemians may enter!


Start your research here: http://Mene.com/invite/JrT26p

Or find out more from your fellow Steemians:




Image source: @papa-pepper

Good luck everyone!


For Menē 24k investment jewelry: http://Mene.com/invite/JrT26p

Thanks for reading everyone,


Bounty: https://steemit.com/contest/@goldmatters/bounty-up-to-20-sbd-up-for-grabs

For Menē 24k investment jewelry: http://Mene.com/invite/JrT26p

To find out more about what Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry is from your fellow Steemians :

To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians : https://steemit.com/contest/@goldmatters/what-in-the-world-s-goldmoney-winners

To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here: https://www.goldmoney.com/w/goldmatters

For Menē 24k investment jewelry here: http://Mene.com/invite/JrT26p

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

Read more about Goldmoney: https://steemit.com/@goldmatters

There are 2 pages

Here is a little something for your contest @goldmatters . Photo op of the Goldmoney Toronto Branch & the Menē Digital Vitrine https://steemit.com/mene24k/@goldismoney/photo-op-of-the-goldmoney-toronto-branch-and-the-mene-digital-vitrine

This is excellent! So awesome that you took the time to actually go to the Goldmoney Branch in Toronto for this contest! Great work

Here’s my entry!! An Improv Dance to Gold by Kiiara. I’m rocking my new Goldmoney shirt and hat of course!


congratulations yes you have won this contest ..,

Good day @goldmatters. Sorry my video is coming late. I really wanted to do something different and this is my first time of ever doing a video, hence took some time. Thanks again, and Goodluck to all the contestants. Here is my post link

My friend. This video is incredible. I just watched the whole video and this is a comprehensive and accurate explanation of Goldmoney. You have done a wonderful job and I am honored to have given you a passion to spread the world of Goldmoney in your country to empower and help the youths against depreciation fiat. This is my mission as well and I am proud to have ignited this fire within you. Thank you so much

Wow, am honored @goldmatters, this means so much to me and from my heart I say thank you. Am privileged to have the same mission with you and all I want to do now is spread that passion to all those around me. Thank you so much.

The official unboxing of the dice I could not wait to receive!!


Before i started this research,it was quite difficult because i thought knew i everything about mene and i don't know any new thing i could add. But when i started writing i found out that there were still more to know. This research is an eye opener to alot about goldmoney and mene which i wasnt aware of.
I tried as much as possible not to repeat what i had written here
I really enjoyed this research i must confess. Mene and Goldmoney are two great company. To know how great they are simply read my entry to this contest. My entry

@goldmatters , thanks for this opportunity. i hope you will enjoy my post. Thanks.

Fantastic work @kandies! I appreciate all your hard work and time :)

Check out the unboxing video I made for my new Menē necklace!

I'm so glad I made this purchase. It's possibly the heaviest necklace I own and it's 100% pure gold.

image_uploaded_from_ios (1).jpg

wouldn't 100% pure gold just break right off? It's too soft...

@goldmatters, let me add a little contribution.

How would an item that is prestigious just break off? Its very rare for one to find jewelry made out of 24K. But, mene has made this very easy to access.
No doubt that 24k pure gold is very soft and tends to scratch and bend easily thats why it is impractical for daily wear in most cases. Not to worry, mene have mastered techniques to make 24K gold more rigid.
Pure gold exhibits unique scientific properties. It’s chemically inert and resists any form of oxidation, which is why pure gold does not tarnish or decay, and will shine for millions of years regardless of whether it is stored in a vault or laying at the bottom of the ocean.
To best preserve your gold jewelry and prevent scratching, ensure you are storing it separately from other jewelry in its original pouch when not in use. Additionally, secure clasps and closures prior to storing your jewelry to avoid scratches and tangled chains.
@solitude ,I hope this helps. ☺

That is a myth perpetuated by the jewelry industry. Gold is the most malleable metal and also.... indestructable! Thank you for reading :)

Hello @goldmatters. I am sure i am the last person to submit an entry for this noble venture.I wont call it a contest totally. It really exposes how people can be liberated from ecomonic downsides through purchase of jewelry as an investment, and not just as a fashion accessory.
I really apologise i was this late, but as a graphic designer, coming up with animations is not really a few days job. :), but i knew i had to come up with something. I am sure i beat the payout time:) Better late than never is what they say :)
I am inspired everyday by your commitment as an ambassador and i used that inspiration to fuel my production of those animations. Just hope the post and video represents what mene stands for. Thank you.
This is the link to my entry.

Thank you for your entry !


I love the fact that you value my work.
I was so unlucky i was offline when the Part 1 of this contest was on.
Since am fully on steemit i will make sure that i get into my post now putting all my effort to make sure i bring out the best knowledge i can find about mene.Am getting to work now.
@goldmatters, Thanks for this opportunity once more.
Expect my entry anytime soon.

@goldmatters sir! I made you an animated video of the Goldmoney logo! Please check out my entry here: Golden Logo Animation!
Here is the video as well!

Thats so cool!! Thanks for your entry! :)

Hmmm I have so many good ideas for an entry! I’ll pick something and put together my submission in the next day or two. 😀

Oh I am SO looking forward to this!!!

Hey @goldmatters! This is my official entry to your contest! I posted it on our non-profit page, because that's who I do all our music productions through! I really hope you like it!


Hey boss here's my entry,well it's a funny and my first ever aceppella video a funny one dedicated to golden money ,the post gat some cool pics,hope u enjoy it



Great job! Very funny:)

Lolz thanks sir, my friend really laughed to this, I don't even know why ooh😂😂🙄🙄😽😽

a freeform poem (inspired by my original tweet)

GoldMoney I won a tshirt from Vancouver
GoldMoney it's the best tshirt I have worn

The cut's so fine, it makes me look like a piece of 24ct beef
All I did was follow on twitter and share their posts with my friends

People keep asking me (have you been to the gym?) & what's Goldmoney
all about ?

I tell them it's the coolest way to invest in the shiny material wealth, with the latest technology and a foolproof system, GoldMoney is the thinking person's investment choice for the 21st Century

The GoldMoney Tshirt is so comfortable it didn't matter that I didn't win the goldcube prize. Clothes maketh the man, in dark blue to match my eyes.

My wife said she thought I looked buff in my GoldMoney Tshirt. Thanks Canada. with Love from the UK

GoldMoney soft brushed cotton


Haha!! Thank you for your entry!

pleasure's all mine.. I have many t-shirts and this one is still my favourite.. it fits me like a glove and when people ask me what GoldMoney is, I look at them like..... "where have you been?"

Here is my entry as well I did a pencil drawing


Right im gonna leave this here for now but ima try and put a proper post together and i might record it again without the wind noise :) #GoldMoney

Here is my finished entry post https://steemit.com/poetry/@owenwat/an-original-poem-for-goldmoney-s-usd100-sbd-giveaway-1830865103cc6#comments

here is my entry


another funny entry


Yes yes yes! More contests!! I have had more fun doing these than just about anything!! My entry will come soon!!! Thanks for hosting these @goldmatters!!

I know I cant count on you to show other participants how it done!!

I have officially been diagnosed with Menegitis!

Wow, so sorry @sevinwilson. Hope you are getting treatment, we would not want any ailment to keep you from contesting, I really love to see your videos. Get well soon

It is a fake diagnosis another steemian created! Menē is the company mentioned here and we are addicted to it! :D

"Menegitis"...Hahahahahahahahahaha...this cracked me up. @sevinwilson.

Have you gotten diagnosed as well? Haha

Lol. Oh I see

Haha. Diagnosed, it came as a shocker but when i read further. I was relieved.

Ooo so cool guys! I may not have time to enter, my forte is writing funny songs, but I will definitely mention this on my daily show tomorrow! You guys are awesome! :)

Thank you for the exposure !!! I would love to see any submission you would like to enter :)

Holy cow, I just read your blog post from last year about being able to buy gold with Steem through Goldmoney. Dang, this is going to make for great discussion tomorrow! Pretty soon we will even be able to buy tacos with Steem. Tacos are like my gold standard. :p

Oh wow!! Lol just FYI that article is obsolete now as Goldmoney has upgraded it’s platform since then. I appreciate you reading my older content!!!

Super generous @goldmatters! Trying to see what I can come up with.

Awesome! I’m sure it will be good :)

Want to know what I did to promote not only You @goldmatters but also MENĒ AND GOLDMONEY ? It may have been a simple task but it has the potential to reach thousands of people. I.....
Retweeted this post and I added some great hashtags to increase visibility on twitter! Here is the post

Thank you for your contribution! I have retweeted :)

Here is my entry


This is funny!!!

...o my sides!

thanks that you liked it:)

AS I Promise Sir my focused ENTRY!!!
You can use it sir if you want:)

And I made a post about my entry and your contest...
Thank You!

This made me LOL! Thank you:)

this is my entry


Lol thanks!

The medal is from your first giveaway... Thanks!!!

Fantastic :)

Here is my Entry!

It's an informational / Introductory article I wrote on Goldmoney and Menē. I've been super busy this week and wished I could have done something more, but this is all I had time to do.

I've learned a bunch of new stuff in the process, and I want to thank you for giving back to the community and doing a giveaway. Goldmoney is actually awesome and I 100% plan to utilize it in the future!

Thank you for your entry!

Wow 100 SBD, you kept to your word about increasing the next contest price. I participated in the Part 1, I will still give this another try. Expect my entry soon

Awesome!! Can’t wait to see

hi, this is my entry :)
fogo goldmoney.jpg

Lol!! Thank you. Good one :):)

thanx, he was curious lol

Hiya GM,

As you know, Menē has been on my mind a lot lately. I am indeed working on some video content but it will be lil while yet... So, i have decided to enter this contest with a suggestion that will help you in your mission with Menē.

I have already had some people sign up with my ref code, but i think it could’a had even more if things were a little bit different.

As i understand it, i will receive a $50 Menē card when somebody who has signed up via my ref code makes their first purchase, and $10 for each subsequent purchase. This is great, but it is missing a crucial element — and that is the incentive for the new sign-up-ee.

My suggestion is this: (at no extra cost to Menē) split that initial incentive between the two parties concerned. So if someone signs up with my code i get $25 and they get $25 — going fwd i would still benefit from the $10 subsequent purchases, but i would split the initial reward.

The problem is this: Human Psychology — without fail, everybody i have spoke to about this except close friends and family, have become suspicious that i was somehow benefitting from their money — or potentially benefitting anyway. If i was able to say to someone: hey, you gotta’ check this site out, and if you sign up through my code you’ll get $25!!! If you sign up without referral you won’t get any reward...

This i believe would make the whole thing a little more exciting, and would encourage more people to take that initial step. Because if someone is trying to “pitch” me something and there’s nothing in it for me, then i’m usually going to walk... certainly telling people how I can benefit through them spending money is not the greatest offer going. But if they can essentially get free gold from my offer, then that is an entirely different story.

Hope you liked “what i can do” — and look fwd to what you think 😁👍

Cheers GM!

Thanks for the input @thedamus :) I’ll pass it along to the team!

Please do. It’s not everyday i have flashes of genius! Lol


i disagree mate you are a wise owl always on form :)

Well just look at that GM!

...thanks O, there's a fiver in the mail, lol

hello, here is my entry for this competition.

Nice looking car :) thanks

Will have to think up something new..... Will take a few days. Dang @pit-bullion set a high starting point....

Competition is heating up... literally!

Thank you for your entry!

I'll try to take another shot at the bounty! Since I am not as talented singer/songwriter or dancer, I will drop another picture. My though process was that with Mene, it is a superior product to others on the market and it is made with 24K gold. Since the Olympics is going on, I though I could showcase that Mene is better than everyone else in quality and is top of the line by linking it with the games going on. Here is my submission. I hope you enjoy! Thanks

Goldmoney Games.png

Thank you :) did you see my post about the metal content in the gold medals ?

Yeah, I thought that they were solid gold too! I was surprised that the gold metals at the Olympics only contain 6 grams of gold and that they are essentially large plated silver coins. I guess that is another reason to buy Mene. When you do you know that you are getting high quality jewelry that is 100% gold.

OMG. I have really missed somuch for close to one month. Am really sorry for not being around for this period @goldmatters, my laptop screen had a fault, and I had to get it repaired. I had to really on devices of my friends to try making posts. I have sincerely missed all your posts so much, I have always been feeling like my steemit journey is not complete without mene. This time apart made me see that mene has really become an integral part of my being. I have learnt so much, and am learning so much.
I can't wait to get back, starting with visiting and enjoying previous post, and also participating in f this contest.
Nice work @goldmatters. Thanks a lot.

Great to see you back @lucyc :) You have a lot to catch up on! I look forward to your entires

O wow, I didn't know we had goldmatters on steemit.
I am really really happy to see the enthusiam and everyone's drive to win this contest and be part of MENE or Goldmatters.
I just want to know do you ship all over the world and can we have a gold bar?

Are referring to Goldmoney or Menē? As far as I know Menē ships everywhere, and Goldmoney has vaults all over the world! You are welcome to buy a gold bar through your goldmoney holding :)

Thanks @goldmatters!!! Was an honor to win that contest. So cool of ya to open up for more winners! Your the man 👍

Thanks my friend!! You are free to enter any contest I run even if you have already won:)

A design by me.

I like it :) thank you

I'm grateful that you liked it ,thanks, I'm also started praying to the God that I win this round, Oo God I really need some SP.


Made this from scratch


Cool logo:) thanks for entering

awesome I will enter this one. thanks

Wow this is interesting, i can understand the excitement you get bc it makes me excited lol
What a creative idea from @pit-bullion well deserved!
Will have to take a look into Mene and Goldmoney a little bit more to see what they are all about and maybe I will give it a go... a little out of my comfort zone, but I like a challenge for a good cause


Can’t wait to see your entry

Definitely going to give your bounty a go, looking forward to making my post for this :)

Sounds good!

yipee @goldmatters I had to bring out enough time put on my test thinking cap and came up with this entry https://steemit.com/dtube/@lexyflexy/gold-mene-contest-a-toilet-of-gold-lol

Thank you for your entry

hope I did not come in too late her is my entry great steemians https://steemit.com/dtube/@ebuks/gold-mene-contest-the-secret-of-most-musicians

Thanks for your entry

Thank you for entering :)

Is it possible for me to win this contest with those BIG ENTRY contestants?

I don't have a real gold, I just have my own blog. I don't have a shirt or cap same as them.

I'm not famous like them, I'm not whale and I'm not Rich like them.

What does this have to do with being rich? This contest is about following the rules mentioned and displaying your creativity and talent on Steemit. :) good luck and I hope you enter!

Thank you! I Hope if ever I don't win on my post, at least you upvote my post.
At least the time that I spent doing my blog is not a waste of time. hahaha.

Here is my entry

Let us do a little comparism according to Wikipedia

Goldmoney is a global full reserved gold-based financial services company founded by James Turk, Roy Sebag, and Josh Crumb. The company operates under the Network, Wealth, Physical, and Insights subsidiaries which offer full reserve precious metal focused financial services encompassing savings, payments, wealth services, dealing, execution, custody, and research. Goldmoney Inc. was formed as a holding company following the acquisition by publicly listed BitGold Inc. of the Goldmoney business in 2015. The company subsequently changed its name to Goldmoney Inc. The company has over 1,500,000 clients and total customer assets of 1.8 billion representing 34.1 tonnes of gold making it one of the largest privately owned gold reserves in the world.

E-gold was a digital gold currency operated by Gold & Silver Reserve Inc. (G&SR) under e-gold Ltd. that allowed users to open an account on their web site denominated in grams of gold (or other precious metals) and the ability to make instant transfers of value ("spends") to other e-gold accounts. The e-gold system was launched online in 1996 and had grown to five million accounts by 2009, when transfers were suspended due to legal issues.

e-Bullion was an Internet-based digital gold currency founded by payza inc of Moorpark, California, as part of their Goldfinger Coin & Bullion group of companies. The company was incorporated in 2000 and launched on July 4, 2001. Similar to competing systems such as e-gold, e-Bullion allowed for the instant transfer of gold and silver between user accounts. e-Bullion was a registered legal corporate entity of Panama.
From 2001 to 2008 e-Bullion grew to have over one million users and substantial account transaction volume, and reserves of approximately 50,000 ounces of gold bullion. The company was a competitor to e-gold.com and goldmoney.com.

In 2008, co-founder, Pamela Fayed, was murdered, leading to the indictment, trial and conviction of her husband Jim Fayed for hiring her murder. Fayed was sentenced to death, and is currently on death row in California. As a result of the murder, the U.S. Government seized all of the assets of e-Bullion, resulting in the closure of the company in August 2008.

In conclusion
They both started almost the same time. And glodmoney is still in existent and growing stronger.

I am not just copy and paste. I remember vividly how I am unable to recover my over $1,000 from e-gold and e-bullion. Unfortunately for me, I should have chosen goldmoney over the two of them. Goldmoney has withstand the test of time and worth dealing it.

Thank you for entering!

I will share a video. But I need some time. I saw the share now. I will do it now.

Sounds good, contest goes for a week!

The vote on the comments excited me :)

There are 2 pages