A brief description of the universe

in #steemit7 years ago

A short guide to the physics and secrets of our universe for those with little time.


Understanding physics is good for many reasons. Physics not only tells us about our homes in the solar system and in the Universe, but also is the basis for what we all use: technology. This is what stimulates the industrial revolution and information, creating a modern society, as we know it. This technology allows you to access the Internet, watch your favorite shows, and have important information about your health when you are in hospital.In the future, technology will allow us to do so much, that most of what today sounds like science fiction - objects moving by the power of the mind without touching them, invisibility, eternal youth - will become a reality. Our descendants will appear as gods in the future compared to what we can accomplish today. And all this, because of the exponential growth of technology,

Here is a short foundation for physics and what can tell us about our universe.

A Brief History of Physics
In the universe there are four main forces of interaction, called fundamental. In the order of the strongest fundamental interactions to the weakest, they are as follows: strong nuclear, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and gravity (gravity).

At the age of 23, Isaac Newton was fluent in the basic method of differential and integral calculus. He also invented the telescopes, which he used to monitor comets. And he gave us the concept of gravity. This is the first step to uncover the secrets of our vast and mysterious universe.

Remember that Newton's law is as follows:

  1. The moving object will remain motionless, and the object will remain resting in a state of rest, until those who become external forces act against it.
    2.Strength = mass * acceleration.
    3.For each action there is an opposite opposite and opposite.

This first physics law gave rise to the industrial revolution and, thus, the modern era came. However, there are some other important players.

Electromagnetic interactions

The electric revolution took place largely thanks to a man who had never had a formal education. Michael Faraday demonstrates electrical properties during public lectures. He enters a steel cage and runs through electricity, showing that steel creates a barrier for electricity, and that unless you touch the barrier itself, you will be safe from the electric current. The law is that electrical voltage can be made from magnetic media. Wires moving in a magnetic field create an electric current, pushing electrons.

If the moving magnet creates an electric field, then the reverse is also true. The moving electric field will lead to a magnetic field. They are one and the same. One unifying force.

James Maxwell during the American Civil War calculated the wave velocity that oscillated between the magnetic field and the electric field. It is a wave in which a magnetic field creates electricity, which in turn creates a magnetic field, and so on indefinitely. This wave speed is equal to the speed of light. Actually, this is the light itself!

Strong and weak nuclear interactions
Both of these interactions (forces) operate at the atomic level, though for the exact opposite reason. Strong interactions are one of the strongest in the entire universe and that they bind to the particle core components - protons and neutrons.Weak interaction interaction with radioactive decay of subatomic particles. This is where nuclear fusion is produced, thanks to which the Sun and other stars "burn". When the element decays due to the weak interaction action, it becomes a completely different element. Carbon atoms with 6 protons and 8 neutrons decay into nitrogen atoms, with 7 protons and 7 neutrons. In this case, the weak interaction affects the neutrons and converts them into protons.Einstein's most famous formula
Weight is not constant. The faster you move, the harder you become. Mass is energy. This is the brainchild of Einstein's most famous formula:

E = mc², or energy = mass * (the speed of light squared).

This formula, together with our knowledge of weak nuclear interactions, helps us understand what is going on in the Sun.We are fortunate that our sun is at such a moment in our life when it is very stable (yellow dwarfs), consistently converting hydrogen into helium. However, in a billion years, this will not happen. The sun will be hot enough to boil our oceans at this point, and a few billion years after that the sun will turn into a huge red giant that will swallow us up completely. It is possible, albeit small, that the Earth will escape the heat of the sun and survive outside the red dwarf. But if it persists, it eventually gets into orbit around the asteroid belt, which will revolve around the white dwarf of the Sun.

Needless to say, the possibility that humans will survive long enough to see the death of our beautiful star is very small.

String theory
This is a theory that attempts to combine Einstein's theory of relativity with quantum mechanics. That is, it tries to be the explanation of the smallest particles in our universe to big bodies, planets and stars. It works by assuming that the particles are strings and that the vibrations of these strings convert them differently into other particles. Thus, String Theory will unite the four forces, which we discussed above.
While Einstein's equations do not work at the center of the black hole and during the Big Bang period, String's theory shows that we are not just one universe, but a universe that is part of the Multiverse. And if this is true, then in the future we will be able to create a wormhole for another universe. Even the creation of a time machine will be possible, although this will require enormous amounts of energy.

Mystery of Dark Energy and Dark Material
While today's physics books tell you that most of the universe is made up of atoms, this is not true. Most of the universe consists of Dark Energy and Dark Material. Dark energy is 68% of the universe, and dark matter is 27%, and so-called "normal matter" - atoms and everything we see around us - less than 5%.

We know that dark energy and dark matter exist, because we observe how they affect our universe. Dark matter, for example, does not interact with other basic forces in the universe, except gravity. It has six times the gravitational force of ordinary matter, and without it, the galaxy will not exist, because the ordinary matter gravity is not enough to hold the stars together in the cluster of galaxies. We know that dark matter exists, because light will bend it.


Dark energy causes the universe to expand faster than we thought. In fact, it is believed that gravity will eventually slow down and stop the expansion of the universe. What we know about dark energy is simply that it exists where there is empty space, and it continues to grow stronger as time passes.

Nobel Prize is waiting for anyone who can tell us what dark matter and dark energy, or even why we exist at all. No, really! None of this should exist. We are here only because there is an imbalance of matter and antimatter. What causes this imbalance? No one knows.
