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RE: Very early screenshots of a crypto based top down RPG prototype.

in #steemit7 years ago

This will the next level which will superseed currencies like Unikrn in which developers don't need to beholden to big contracts to be part of the club.

Would this currency be unique to the developer or would it be a shared token system that any developer can intergrate into their game?


I have found that its easy to make a game that works with any currency you want. Game developers can most likely just piggyback any coin they chose. I would recommend a coin that is fast and cheap for transaction times though. Also, smart contracts are not necessary either.

If the game is created with SBD as a currency it would also likely cause the value to sky rocket pretty hard. Which would be pretty funny.

But yeah, ultimately you can just use any currency. All that matters is if the game is setup correctly to utilize a reward pool properly.

Yeah and no abuse by whales or outside invaders that don't care for the community or pool. Similiar to this place. Needs real planning so it's fair as well as levels of gameplay skill for the actual reward.