What in the world am I doing here?

in #steemit8 years ago

So there I was, just chugging away, hitting my retirement years, minding my own beeswax and the next thing you know, I am a steemitidiotn err steemit ite, well on steemit..

I am that guy!

Just now got the hang of my space and they changed to Facebook, I am that one friend we all have, that was always trying to write a 200 word document about the perils of gerital overdose when everyone else is posting one liners about snap chatting on Instagram... And tweeter?  Forget it.. Who can operate under those kind of limitations.. My lunch order takes more words than that..

So it seems I am in the world of bloggers here?  Well how about that.. My grandkids will get a kick out of that for sure!  But really..I have no idea what that is..so I'm just going to write stuff. I think that's what it comes down to, we all should just write stuff.  Now about this following thing... I guess that will come, I can't say I understand the concept, I was always told, " be a leader, not a follower" so I am thinking about a prize or something.. Beer and cookies if you follow me?? Strippers and sweat socks?  I don't know..

They tell me you can get paid doing this?? Really.. Some sort of creepy currency or crypto money...

Not gonna lie, had to google the whole bit coins thing... Still doesnt make a lick of sense... And a word of advice, don't be putting all your crypto's in one basket.. I am betting it's a fad and won't last a year... Who ever heard of bitcoins anyway..

So if your new here like me I guess, don't worry too much about the money, if you have it you will just spend it on tattoos and cocaine like the rest of us anyway..

So just write for the love of it,  if ya find a follower or two I guess that's good too... And I suppose you better follow some folks yourself, just to be polite and all..

But just hang in there, we will get the hang of this together, what are they gonna do, Fire us? 

Don't be whining and complaining like some snot nosed brat.. Just try and write more interesting stuff.. Not everyone wants to read how to make grilled cheese with a waffle iron... You will find your groove..

Just have Fun, 


I thought I was the only one :-) ☆☆☆☆☆😎