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in #steemit8 years ago

Good video which has helped to remove some of my concerns. I am really keen to invest in EOS but I do have some concerns. It's not so much the lack of product or lack of ability that concerns me, I think Dan has already addressed this with his previous projects. It's the $2bil market cap and the fact that without Dan there would not be a product etc. Look at what happened to Ethereum when rumours started about vitalik's death (obviously false rumours) but it caused $4billion to be wiped off the value of Ethereum (and Ethereum is built). If something was to happen to Dan, I don't believe the EOS project would survive or at least not be as sucessful. It's a lot of money to have riding on a single key individual!

Having said that, I think the upside potential outweighs the risk, so I'll still look to invest, but I may look for a more opportune entry point!


Any product lives/dies by its creator. This is normal, and part of life in general. There are no guarantees. IF his ideas come to fruition, there is a very good chance it will steal the marketplace of crypto currency because it is properly enabling the block chain space instead of being just one feature (like Ethereum as an EVM or Bitcoin as merely the first currency).

Edits: grammar fails galore