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RE: Thank You, Steemit, for "Fuck Israel" Transaction

in #steemit8 years ago

As you can see in my comment under your post, I've offered help in solving your issue but for that to happen receiver of your funds would have to cooperate.

No one else have an authority to interfere with peer to peer transactions on this platform.


Sure. And no one can block accounts, yeah? Just don't tell me fairy-tales, man. I am a big boy. In Golos my transactions were blocked WITHOUT ANY FAULT on my side. I had to open a new account because of that. I am not a problem, the problem is lack of experience and professional skills of some specialists here. And one more problem is the SECRET SUPPORT in this website, like in many other "new crypto" projects. Just "loud" names and smart pictures.

You are not understanding how this whole thing works. Nobody other than the person who you sent the funds to had the ability to return them to you. It is not a lack of support or customer service, it is an inability to do it based on the blockchain rules.

Maybe, @timcliff you are right. And I am an idiot and don't know since 2003 what is social networking and what is blockchain itself. But if it were written "Fuck USA" probably your reaction would be another one.

My reaction is neutral to whatever you are saying fuck about. It is 100% based on the fact that what you are asking for help with is not possible to do.

And no one can block accounts, yeah?

Exactly. This is one of the features of this platform.

In Golos my transactions were blocked WITHOUT ANY FAULT on my side

No. Transactions can't be blocked on the platform. Not by Golos, not by Steem. You probably misunderstood something in your Golos case.
Steemit Inc that has nothing to do with transfer at this point. Actually they acted quickly by adding this account to "bad actors" list but that's all that they can do and it can't effectively stop the transfer.

Ok, and what does this mean in Terms of use "...7.2. If you are obligated to indemnify US, we will have the right, in our sole discretion, to control ANY ACTION or proceeding (at our expense) and determine whether we wish to settle it..." BTW, have you read the Terms of Use? There you can find many really funny things, that could be used for stand-up.
For example this one: "...16.1. We MAY suspend or terminate your access to the Services in our sole discretion, immediately and without prior notice, and delete or deactivate your Account and all related information and files in such without cost to you, including, for instance, in the event that you breach any term of these Terms. In the event of termination, your access to funds will depend on your access to your backup of your Account data including your Account Name and Private Keys...."

You are asking wrong person about irrelevant excerpt from Terms of Service provided by unrelated third party.
I would help you if it would be possible but it is not.

Thank you, anyway. You have already helped me. I will leave this project easily.

How many reputable users including developers and witnesses would need to tell you that there's no way to help you in this case so you would finally acknowledge that?

You are absolutely right. Let's stop the discussion.

"Let's stop the discussion."

Since you are continuing I would try again.

As I wrote before: those are related to site and Steemit Inc services that are working on the Steem platform, which is decentralized, peer to peer, blockchain based.
Again: user @blocktades was added by devs to the bad actor list soon after this case came out. Which means that he wasn't able to log in to steemit site anymore. You even have a proof from him on the screenshot he provided claiming he's going to return your money back. As you now know, he lied.
Due nature of this platform, inability to log in on the site can't stop user from using his account, as stated in the term you've just quoted.