Dear Diary... If you're in a relationship, don't tell another living soul!

in #steemit8 years ago


Dear Diary 17.08.2017
I don’t have many regrets in my life but the most recent one is that I didn’t keep my romantic relationship completely and utterly private. I wished that we had kept t away from every other person that we knew because… everyone has an opinion about it and they just love to share it with you.

“This won’t work, he’s still in love with me!” (said his Ex)

As hard as I tried not to, I became insecure and frightened that I was just a stop gap and he’d never fully commit to me because he had some love Goddess that he still yearned for.

She’s not right for you, Son” (said his Mum)

The fact that none of his previous partners had been right for him either didn’t deter that nagging doubt that he would eventually listen to his Mum and dump me.

He’s a Taurus and you’re a Gemini. You’ll kill one another! (said one of my colleagues)

Taurean males can’t stand the flirtatious nature of the Gemini female, apparently! But we had worked this far and I’d made sure that I had put my flirtatious personality on Gas mark 1 and I actually enjoyed his Taurean stubbornness. In fact, I found it quite sexy to know that I couldn’t get away with blue murder anymore… well until he left me and said he wasn’t coming back. That’s not sexy at all!

Does he know about your temper? You might scare him off. (Said my best friend)

Oh God yes! My temper. It only flares if I feel challenged but I’d done a lot of work on it in the past and it was nowhere near as bad as it was when I was younger. I did explain to him right at the start that there are two sides to me and I asked him if he could handle it and he said that he could. He’s a strong man. A real Alpha Male, so he should be okay. However, this was the factor that I worried about least and it was ultimately my downfall.

I truly feel that if I had, had no contact and no advice from other individuals, I wouldn’t be in this situation now. I wouldn’t have brooded on things that other had said, so I wouldn’t have got angry and we would still be together.

If, and this is a big IF he were to ever return to me (one live in hope), I would not tell another living soul that we were seeing one another again until we had been together for at least two years. That way, we could enjoy our time together without the constant interference of others.


Very interesting post. I see that you have learned a lot from this experience. From what I'm reading, you have a lot of regrets and wish things could have turned out differently. My advice would be to leave all of that behind and go start anew. The past was a lesson to be learnt, and now, with that knowledge, you are released back into the world to not repeat the same mistake again. Well done and thank you for sharing!

PS: If you are interested and have some spare time, I have some poetry on my blog. :)

Thank you, I'll go over and have a look. I love poetry. Yes I have learned and I will move on. It's a shame because it was one argument. He doesn't seem to bother about all the good things that we shared or all the good things that I did and his silence is irritating and damned right rude. But never mind, one lives and learns. x

If one simple argument cause all of this, despite all of your good deeds, then he was not worthy of you, or it just wasn't meant to be. Head high, and live and learn. Oh, and thank you! :)

then he never deserved you. I have a single poem on my blog but I think it might benefit you.
writing it helped me.

Yes, he did deserve me. He deserves to be happy. Have alook on my blog and see today's diary update for a full explanation of the whole tragedy x

Welcome to Steemit Guided !! Glad to see more people like you - here joining Steemit! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunpoom

Thank you x

Nice one thanks for sharing

thank you x

It's all in the stars :)

lol. If only it were that simple x

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Thank you x

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Thank you x

love is nothing untill you believe in it.but one thing that life is simply beautiful if you make it simple.sorrows show us what is happiness.
your life, your decision.then you don't have to blame anyone for your decision and this gonna give you inner peace. follow your heart.make people smile and be happy. life is beautiful.

I tried to write some lines.pls have a look

Thank you and I love your poetry

Welcome to steemit! Have fun exploring and posting here

Thank you x

welcome to Steemit, Guided.
I hope you enjoy your stay. I know what it's like from the Male perspective: I am an Aquarian, my ex was a Sagittarian. She went to one of my best friends, an Aries, about not being happy (allegedly) and he told her to leave me.
love of my lifetime, and he unilaterally decided that we weren't good for each other. I have never loved another soul since. I wish you the best of luck. recover and survive.

Thank you so much for this. x

Hiiiii Guided nice to read about you.i am Manas from india,am also a new on steemit and welcome you to steemit.i have followed, can you also follow me and upvote me. All the best for your future. I believe teamwork is the good requirement for steemit.

Thank you I will x

great post you have my vote follow me

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