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RE: Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda...sooner

in #steemit8 years ago

I'm excited by the prospect of Steemit becoming a "Facebook" that actually has the capacity to fund itself by being tied to cryptocurrency creation rather than annoying people with ads or just having a gigantic market cap from an IPO that has no relationship to reality (looking at you here Facebook.)

But I would really like to see a way to link steem to the real world -- the minute we see the capacity to buy stuff here on Steemit with steem, I think that will change the world. Of course, then government gets involved because of taxes and the whole thing gets messy....

Easy to get lost in regrets -- why did I let the difficulty of buying bitcoin stop me in 2012 when it was cheap? Why didn't I buy apple stock instead of a motorcycle with summer money when I was 18? Etc Etc Etc....

But -- I actually just love the community that is springing up here. Good folk and good conversations!


Well said... 👍🏽