Hello @jaki01. Thank you very much for this thoughtful article. I think that most of the things have been said already (either in the article itself or in the comments, which were also rather interesting to read). As usual, I'm once again too late to the party but just wanted to add another little thought:
In my opinion there seems to be a real lack of communication between the community and the people in charge here on Steemit. Is it just me or do you also think that many ideas are just simply ignored without really discussing them? Didn't the Steemit team recently hire a "PR person"? What's his stance on the whole topic?
Concerning communication I also wonder why so far none of the 'responsible' decision makers got involved in the discussion ... I see there are way over 300 views already, so where are you all to tell me why my suggestions are either brilliant or nonsense? :-)
You are right, the process to exchange point of views and learn something by discussing would be at least as important as the question who is 'right' or 'wrong' (anyway most of the time there is no perfect solution which solves every problem at once ...). Ideas which evolve within the community are there to be discussed and should not be considered as a threat anyhow. :)