The most users became just investors and have no time to read content, which make us think about the future of Steemit as content creators. It is really sad :(
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The most users became just investors and have no time to read content, which make us think about the future of Steemit as content creators. It is really sad :(
Hmm. Steemit is pitched as something better a community. Well, from what I see Steemit mirrors the real world; Full of greed, hubris, inequality, misinformation and more. All packaged up in a neat little bundle.
We need some Steemit Crusaders to make some changes! I’ll sign up!
I remember 6 months ago everything was much better, but now everything seems out of control. Yes freedom is good and we want it, but many things need to be under control, like phishing and selfupvotes in the wrong way :(