You are seriously one of the brightest parts of steemit for me. Your youth, energy and positivity is inspiring. Yet, you have a tremendous amount of wisdom so you also seem quite balanced. You are strong and confident... but also silly. You are kind and encouraging. I truly hope my daughter grows up to have those qualities you display every day here and in chat. You are an excellent role model for other content creators (and people in general). You are a true asset to this platform. More importantly, I am lucky to call you my friend.
Now please never leave again ok?
Your kindness is endless and I will always enjoy chatting with you and reading your posts! You're one of the persons who inspire me and I will always have something to learn from you!
Thank you very much! You've complimented me a lot and I'm not even sure I deserve them fully. Your daughter will be amazing because she has awesome parents.
I won't leave again, you made sure of that. :D