I have a strong feeling you are about to be flooded with comments lol.
Thanks for brining this information to steemit. Generating more visibility for steemit is one way anyone can help the platform. Even a minnow can write a post that generates thousands of views. Not all of the readers will join... but some will.
Now we just need to find a way to reward people for those views...
Thanks for taking the time to write this series. I will do my best to follow your advice.
Hey @hanshotfirst
Thank you for spending your precious time here. I appreciate it.
That is true. Through SEO, even minnows can help and take part in the growth of Steemit. They just need to optimize their posts and target the "right" keyword. I've completed "Keyword Research" part already and now we're heading towards "Keyword Difficulty Analysis".
Once we complete this keyword difficulty analysis part, it should be easier to target relevant and easy keywords.
With the support of reputable steemians like you and @donkeypong , I am sure that we could reach to more audience. Thanks for that!