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RE: Why are witnesses discouraging conversations?

in #steemit7 years ago

As long as the fox is guarding the henhouse, you can be sure there will be a few hens that go missing. The system is designed like real-world finances where those who already have will get more and the rest will struggle for the scraps. For those with very little, it is a big deal when their 500 Steem increases in value ten-fold and that is what keeps them here, regardless of the amounts others may make. So why change things for the benefit of those who come here for the social part? This is a business for many and maximizing income is the goal. I'm no expert on how speculation works, but I do methodically think things through and I can't see how sustainable it would be for just a few speculators to trade amongst themselves indefinitely. In order for a few to make a lot of money, many must lose something. That means they need mass adoption. Maybe I'm just not able to see the light and I need some kind soul to explain it to me.