Sounds like a cool thing to develop in excel using api too :-)... although I guess with historical data you are limited to large tile frames (day?) possibly not exactly what you need... (?)
Ps There has been a Swedish study on this subject too. If worth it I can contact her (like I did earlier for another question) to ask what she used...Ps cool question! And I didn't know you could organise a bounty like this! Just knew about :).
Cool, I'll take a look at that website you mention. I guess Tradingview helps me to get the answers I am looking for.
What kind of study has been done in Sweden?
The closest I get is this article, which I shared in a FB group early 2018 about the study... which includes a link to the author's twitter account. Wrote to her at that time about sole ideas for further research but didn't check if she continued.
I had gathered some tips too about 'where to go next' for doing own it seeled fun to play around with the data...but in the know :)...
If interested, I can see if I can dig them up too...
Thanks for the reply!
I personally often check for correlations and other interesting statistical stuff. You might know it already :-)
Not known yet! Will add it to my data analysis bookmarks :)...
Ps Meanwhile I found the original article:
From my bookmark archive... this was another one I think may get one inspired to start analysing with more depth using two different methods: