Thx for the info. Just woke up and already learned somwthing new today!
Nw I understand why I got these rank bumps :-D
I won't hesitate to drop any issues if I come across them.
Thx for the info. Just woke up and already learned somwthing new today!
Nw I understand why I got these rank bumps :-D
I won't hesitate to drop any issues if I come across them.
=D you are starting to understand how the system works. It is granted a little complex, but it is designed to balance and make things fair. As your Shadow Rank increases, the weight your posts get will go up, as well as the priority in the pool. Remember, increasing your SP directly increases your rank as well through our new system:
I think we were talking about different things yesterdyay @shadowbot. What I meant was that the difference between what my post displays and what shadowbot displays as being my expected reward is not the difference in the formula but a giant lag (or bug, I dunno). I'll show you with imgs. Check the highlighted sums to see what I mean. Hope you can tell me why this is.
Yes there was a delay in the rewards software, it should be fixed now, we apologize for the delay. Nothing critical was effected by this delay.