It's a sad problem, yes. Hopefully, it will get less prevalent as more and more people begin to understand the long term opportunity that the website and currency can provide!
Do you mind if I ask 1 more question... I have noticed that when you upvote it adds around $0.01 whereas mine appear to add roughly $0.13 yet you have 10x the amount of steem power as me! Is this because I'm a noob and there is an additional benefit after signing up or something? Because surely it should be that your upvotes provide around 10x the value of mine!
Feel free to ignore the second part of that if you are unsure or if you find it to be too off topic :)
Let's hope so.
It's because I'm using my voting slider. I think you should get it around the time you gather 500 Steem Power... You can then adjust the weight percentage for your vote, so you don't have to give a 100% upvote. If I were to upvote 100%, It'll be between $1 and $2, but I will be draining my voting power within 10 votes. I upvote comments mostly at 1%, so I can show appreciation to most people who respond to me. On posts that I upvote, I use a varied percentage, depending on how much I liked the post and want to support the artist, while still keeping enough weight for my next votes.
I'll give this comment a 50% upvote, as an example.