
I do...
But some coins for every drink as reward would be nice :))

There's an long time Bitcoin company (2014) who's doing just that with local currencies called Colu Netowork that has been live in 4 cities for a while that is becoming popular. They have an East London pound, Tel Aviv currency, ECT. If you use their network to pay you get a bonus local crypto currency that can be spent at the local shops. It's a win win for both the merchants and customers. The bonus to consumer is around 3% of the sale, which is equal to amount merchant saved off the credit card fees. Instead of credit card points the consumer is rewarded with a local crypto currency that fuels their economy. when they launch in more Cities this definitely an app I would use. I believe the more successful their local networks are the more the coins can go up in value since coins have limited supply and demand for coins increases with new users. I am still researching this project but it seems like something a lot of people may use locally when they launch to more Cities.

Will be great if this project will succeed Not in Moskow right now :*

Yes, I really hope they can successfully roll out globally. This is def something I would use where ever I could. I own a local hair extensions shop service/retail (brick mortar and online) - I know this can really help local businesses and the consumer at the same time.