
Thanks. I already did a #introduceyourself but this one is bit more detailed. But I added that tag. Why remove steemit and steem tags?

Welcome to Steemit @keverw! The Steemit and Steem tags are supposed to be for Steem ecosystem general discussions on current and future projects.

Oh did not know that. I noticed others were using it for more general posts that mention Steem. Removed them.

Is there any penalty for editing posts? Didn't know if edits hurt the chance of showing up or mess with earnings.

I actually accidentally posted this thinking you had to press enter after every tag when it's actually just typing them out with a space in between. The first time I put more than 1 tag in a post.

Those are meant for posts related strictly to the platform itself. But you can keep them if you prefer it this way - your post is about discovering Steem after all.

Good point. I went to remove steemit and steem a couple minutes ago. Looks like the steemit one it won't let me remove(it just keeps it after save even though I removed the tag), maybe because it's the first tag for the post and part of the permalink?