Supporting new users is important and feels good. Great message in this post @anomadsoul, we've got to work together to build the community.
One trick that some Steemians might find useful is: When I comment on a big whale post now, I try to join in on a comment thread. Rather than commenting on the post itself, I might respond to the top comment. I'm not sure if this is effective, but it feels like a better way to join the conversation.
It is kind of smart to do that, never thought of it. Maybe you starting a topic means that you have to have a very interesting idea but jumping into another discussion give you the chance to just express your point of view. Not what people expect you to say but you own opinion, and if that gets the attention of the whale, perfect, if it is not, you stood true to your ideas and got a good discussion in the meantime :D
Anytime there is value added to a post or discussion it is worth it. Whether you start a new comment or reply to an existing thread, i feel both are relevant, one not being better or worse than the other.