Truth! You are smart to look at the Steem ecosystem from both perspectives. There is a challenge (And opportunity) in being the whale as well as being the minnow.
I think it helps to focus more on the contribution and less on the raw numbers -- as long as the followers are going up and there are some good payouts every week, there never a real need to worry in the early days of a Steem account.
I look at everything this way, I try not to identify too closely with anything so that I can see all sides. I don't want to be arrogant about it, but it always gives me a unique perspective, which is why I know I should be making more ;-P. I'm sure that sounds arrogant haha. I'm sure my aversion to using established methods of doing anything and my desire to always re-create the wheel have slowed me down to some extent but I'm trying to help others as I help myself and in a way that's consistent with who I am, which I think doesn't really have a model to follow.
I totally agree!Well said @heymattsokol!