Dear Steemit friends:

I will give away 0.1 SBD to everyone who performs the following task:
Make a really nice comment about on this post.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
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What people are saying…)
Best regards,
My steemittraffic's blog: ( @hien-tran
Its just like anyother social media but with a twist. Here actually its not time wasted whereas in other social media I feel a lot of my time is
@preeti, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
I want an analogy; someone is on the way. Initially Bus was lonely, no passengers. But over time, passengers are looking for ways to get people to glance and ride the bus he was taking. He worked hard to decorate his bus as much as possible, sticking a beautiful picture.
As time passes, begin climbing people, the longer, the more crowded.
On the way, he saw a big house, clean and beautiful. People who work, help each other.
He also came across the house big and small, full of trash, dirty and disgusting. People are greedy, arrogant, bribe and mischief.
Steemit has, unlike many other popular social media sites, a really nice vibe to it. Here are many nice people around sharing their posts. Many of them are well written and give at least some new insights to the reader.
Obviously it isn´t perfect and still needs to improve, but thats why it´s still Beta phase.
Still i really like to browse around and just stroll around all these posts.
Your answer is really helpful. Thanks so much!
@brianalex, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
people post useful updates to code and we get to see updates on major projects like EOS
@saigon, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
i like it for having many foreigners with open points of view. Also many of those who focus on health, travel, politics.
Steem has a lot of potential,
@kevbot, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
Thanks so much
Steemit is a platform where you will be recognized based on your content and not by your origin or race.
The other thing is the wallet within Steemit is also revolutionary. I can send digital money (Steem) to anyone across the globe and it arrives almost immediately without fees.
Your answer is really helpful. Thanks so much!
@codingdefined, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
Thanks @hien-tran, You are doing a wonderful job.
Steemit create opportunity introduce yourself , when any member joined in this platform many memebers welcomed him/her . This feature is unique from other social netwok
Your answer is really helpful. Thanks once again!
@Roky, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
Many many thanks sir for your tips
I try my best to develop my rank
commenting on every post in steemit is always interesting. since getting to know steemit, my time to interact with people on other social media has been reduced. can be said, I now prioritize steemit than other social media because this platform is more complex.
@mafis, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
Thanks so much
you are welcome @hien-tran
Steemit is my dream. I am confident enough, i can make my dream true with steemit. Waiting to do something for my family,my friends and for my country.......this is my thought about steemit @hien-tran . Thanks.... :)
Your answer is really helpful. Thanks so much!
@tanvirrahman, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
you see my intro post i thanks full to you and i mention your name in my good friend whos always support me
@farhannaqvi7, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
i am really thank full to you about this i always remember you my friend @hien-tran
🤔 cháu chào chú. Chú ơi cho cháu hỏi về cách thức sử dụng cá voi được không ạ? Cháu vẫn chưa hiểu điều này..
Chào cháu hot girl!
Làm thế nào để sử dụng @randowhale
cháu paste link bài viết của cháu
Khi cháu gửi 2SBD đến @randowhale và ngay ô memo cần @randowhale bỏ phiếu và cháu bấm gửi SBD. Sau đó nó sẽ bỏ phiếu ngẫu nhiên 2% -5% về bài đăng của cháu. ( Đó là ngày xưa, hôm nay chú ko biết nó có tay đổi không?)Cháu cần kiểm tra xem @randowhale có cập nhật gì thêm không? Xem kỷ trước khi cháu sử dụng.
Hiện tại theo chú biết dịch vụ của nó đang bị quá tải...
Chúc cháu vui vẻ và càng thêm xinh đẹp... để luôn là 1 trong những hotgirl của Châu Á trên
Hahaa cháu cảm ơn ạ :D chú vui tính quá. Mình phải vào bài viết của randowhale để nhấp link vào ạ ? :o hay mình gửi ngay trên bài của mình ạ 😢
Chết r! Cháu nhỡ bấm gửi nhầm cho cá voi 10$ . Mạng của cháu ko load dc cháu ko biết chỗ gắn link. Thế là coi như mất đúng ko ạ 😭? Cháu mong nhận dc phản hồi của chú..
Tại cháu dùng trên điên thoại nên cháu ko thấy nút đó ở đâu cả. và mạnh cũng lang nữa, mấy phút mới gửi được 1 tin nhắn 😢
Cháu gửi chi mà tới 10$ dữ vậy?
Chú nói lại: Ngày xưa cách đây 6 tháng chú có sử dụng mấy lần
Theo chú mới kiểm tra, hình như giờ giá chỉ còn 0.5$/ 1 bài đăng
Chú nói rồi, cháu phải kiểm tra và cập nhật thông tin trước khi sử dụng @randowhale ( click vào tài khoản đó và cháu kiểm tra)
Chú cũng thấy mấy hôm nay, cứ vào khoảng 7-12 giờ đêm, truy cập load rất chậm.
Khi gửi tiền cho ai? phải cẩn thận
Ko ạ 😭 Chú ơi lúc ấy mạng cháu lang. Hoá ra cháu gửi liền 11 $ mà cháu lại đi bấm vào nút quảng cáo , nghĩa là gửi cho null 😢 Cháu gửi 1 $ chả hiểu sao mạg lang số ko hiện ra lên thành 11 luôn =
Cháu tưởng cháu gửi bài viết cho cá voi hoá ra == không biết @null có tác dụng gì không ạ ? Cái nút "promote" ý ạ 😰= cháu đi bấm gửi nút " promote " ở bài viết của nó
vâng rất chậm 😢mà cháu còn dùng điện thoại. Vì thế cháu đã có sai sót .
it's integration with dtube can potentially make all media content decentralized!
@papercutbut, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
Steemit is awsome thing, my dream is to make a useful app for steemit users
@tanvieer, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
Steemit is a helpful site , we see many useful post and we also sharing our post in this site . The post is based on different topics .
@wahidurrahman, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
Found quite a lot of interesting posts here. Post-tags are especially useful!
@snoozy, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
I am new and already seem to be addicted
thanks to visit
its a good journey with steemit. i daily visit this website. i try to post something during my free time and try to give some photography of a certain place or some idea about some different things and always wants to share something which will be unique. i love to work in steemit. really its a good journey for me.
@robir, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
There are lot of problems with steemit on the back end that you dont know, this is why price of steem is down.
Steemit is a place where everyone can share their views and ideas about any topic. This is the best than other social networking sites everyone has freedom in here.
@frenzhunter, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
Steemit is a way to travel the world gathering a
vast knowledge on almost every aspect of the world.
@mamu77, 0.1 SBD was sent to you.
I am grateful to you.. For your inspirational award!
This Post ends after 9 hours.
Okay! Thank you for giving the chance to leave my comment based on steemit..
Still trying to work out how steemit works. It looks promising considering the fact it is so new and there is so much way for improvement. Good luck to all the fellow steemit!
Thanks so much