@dennygalindo I personally think it's best that have one rule for all. The reason the real world is so unequal is that the rich play to different rules. I believe that this system is set up to dilute the larger accounts over time. It's up to the community to improve it curation efforts to nullify the 'Whales' closer to the 7% dilution rate.
Also, I want the users with large 'skin in the game' to be actively contributing and guiding the content creators. This will help the great content to rise to the top, and keep the less so great content further down the reading list.. Interested to hear you thoughts...
Yes I agree with that but the formula could still be one of diminishing returns for Steem power. Most things in nature do not offer ever increasing returns to scale.The natural way is for returns per unit to decrease with scale ( more Steem power should help you always but your second vest should add more to influence than your 1001th vest. ) Maybe it works this this way already.
In real world political power is different but that's why people think it's so unfair, it doesn't follow natural law of diminishing returns.
The formula can not be diminishing returns for steem power because then the incentive is for people to split up their steem power into multiple accounts and pretend to be multiple people.
I only think this should work for curation rewards not voting that said I think breaking the accounts seems like a hassle just to get curation rewards logging in and out again and again. I don't think people would do it.
Also maybe breaking up accounts would be good it would allow whales to do different things with different accounts. I wish I had a second account that was not my name. Anyone that googles me finds all these post.( I tried to open a redit one with no luck)
Finally I think even if it was slightly diminishing it would help. The masses of votes are really important and it would be nice to reward them more.
I can see your point of view. I believe the reputation system will help with that some what.
Also, the founders did change the curation rewards in favour of the Creators not too long ago. These little changes (and more to come I'm sure) will help to move closer to your vision...