What Are YOU Worth?
Lately I've seen people talking about the voting patterns of whales and dolphins. I have also seen tons of people feeling miserable and I've seen despair being built up amongst a huge part of Steemians. Empty promises of luxury and thousands of dollars are one of the major reasons for this.
People without knowledge and people with slim to none experience about blockchains and cryptocurrencies are being spoon-fed with false information. - This is identical to all the "gurus" out there selling internet marketing products.
What most people do is to gather a ton of information and in a fashioned way explains within an ebook how others can become rich by simply duplicating their methods. They spend a couple of hours writing their ebooks and they put a price tag on it.
They also come up with a fantastic name for the product.
Get rich within 21 days by using everything you learn in: "Yada yada, bs and crap".
Listen, I've been working as a full time freelancer for several years. I am an internet marketer. I've written multiple guides and reports too. I know the so-called "tricks" but I have also been the customer... So I have experienced both worlds.
Never have I tried to fill my potential clients with hope and empty promises about luxury or dream-like vacations. - I have always been honest and I've always told my clients and the potential clients about the hard work, or about the reality that you have to put in before you'll be able to even dream about luxury.

Whenever I promote Steemit:
I tell people exactly how it works. I explain that people can't expect a single cent. I tell them to forget all the bs screenshots of Steemit's highest paid articles and all that. Because even though it's true that you can make hundreds or even thousands of dollars (like some people did in the past), people are more likely to earn a few extra bucks per month. - That's why I debunk the so-called "myths" and I explain the reality instead.
- False or inaccurate advertising is what brings us dead weight and despair.
If you've never heard of Steemit and you stumble upon a cool tweet or an ad that says:
"I made $5400 on my first post on Steemit"
And you also see a screenshot of the rewards as evidence...
I bet you'd say that such an ad would be the "perfect bait", as you would probably jump right in. - Right?
The disgusting thing with something like this...
Is that the people joining Steemit will have been filled with empty promises because when they arrive and they publish their first article they earn $0,30 if they're lucky.
So even before these people have learned a single thing about Steemit or what it is, they're already annoyed and angry. - Due to false statements and lies.
You can't deny the truth and the facts.
Steemit have changed many people's lives. Steemit have allowed some people to earn thousands of dollars per week and/or month. Due to the existence of Steemit, many people have been able to afford to go on a vacation, or to buy a new car. Some people have been able to travel the world.
All those things are truly inspiring and incredible.
However, you can't use that as bait to lure in new Steemians.
- Because that will create a negative spiral.

Steemit is amazing. Steemit gives you a fantastic opportunity. You can change your life. But if you earned an extra $50 per week, that would be a change in your daily life too... Right?
- We can't allow the greed to take the upper hand.
Educate people around you. Tell them how it really is. Explain to them that they truly can change their lives with the use of Steemit. - But money isn't everything.
We have many talented artists and writers. We have tons of incredible speakers who can inspire and help others who suffers from any form of pain or stress. - We are one huge family even though we're messed up at times.
With tons of effort and hard work, Steemit can have a huge impact on your life financially too. But most Steemians will never be able to earn thousands of even hundreds of dollars per month. - That's the truth.
And that's the truth we have to tell the people around us too.
- That's the way we will be able to reduce the greed right from the beginning.

I have personally earned thousands of dollars combined with every single comment and article I have published. I earned several hundred dollars on my articles one year ago. I earned $300, $500 and so on...
- That was the most satisfying experience I ever had online.
Ever since then, I've been struggling to earn $10 or more from my articles. Even though I am blessed having support from dolphins. Fortunately, I never gave up on Steemit because I learned to love the community. I respect Steemit and I am truly grateful for the opportunity I have been given.
Seriously speaking... I earned hundreds of dollars multiple times, and even so, I've been struggling to make anything "decent" ever since. Most of my articles reach a few dollars. - It took me 14 months to reach another $100 article after my last highly paid post.
I am still thankful for the opportunity and even though I tried to adapt and change my own behaviour... I failed. I realized after several months that I can't change my own approach or my own behaviour. There's no reason for me to adapt. - I chose to be true to myself and continue to be myself at all times.
- And that is what it takes.
I realized that even 1 cent is more than I would ever earn from my contributions on Facebook or Twitter so I am thankful for whatever I make from my articles. I obviously wish that I would earn thousands of dollars because that would be amazing and that would allow me to live a life I would truly love to live.. - But I realized that something like that will most likely never happen. And I am okay with that. There's a chance, but I will most likely never experience that... So I am thankful for each and every single cent I make. Because that's still a change in my life, even though it might not be as big of a change as thousands of dollars would be... - It's still a change.
I can relate to newcomers. I can relate to their feelings. I can understand how they feel after being told all the lies and the false statements and empty promises. - I've been there myself. I have experienced this too... Even though I experienced this in a different way.
If we stop the false advertising campaigns, we will reach a new level. We will reduce the greed and we will get more motivation and inspiration instead.
- We will be able to change Steemit as a community in a new way.
I beg of you fellow Steemians...
STOP The False Advertising Campaigns And Make Steemit A Better Place For Everyone!

Very true. People love to shout "scam" when it comes to the blockchain world, so it helps if people don't use scam strategies!!
Yeah, definitely. I mean, people have made $1000+ articles on Steemit. And some people have earned several hundreds of dollars on their introduction posts... So even though I personally think these advertising campaigns are false or basically lies. - Most of them are still true, but only to some extent.
And I want them to tell nothing but the truth, because if we give people false information or are filling people with hope based on "not so accurate" information.. Reality will kick in and smash their dreams to pieces.
At the end of the day for most people it's a fun place to chat with people about stuff whilst earning a few pennies.
I got on here because I was sick and tired of fakebook and twatter.... the crypto thing is all new to me and the blogging too I guess.
But what kept me here isn't the money, it was the people who were so positive in nature and communications.... the few knuckleheads who think that their sh#t doesn't stink are by far the minority here and that is what makes this place oh so much better than any of the other social networks out there!
Now, as far as learning the crypto game, I see that as a challenge, something new that could very well be a step in the right direction.... especially in the search for financial freedom!
it is a bonus.... taht is how I see it and I love it!
No free lunch out there, anyone wanting to make a quick buck... forget it.... go rob a bank.... that is my advice to all those "get rich quick" people out there!
REALITY isn't as we would like it to be... so why lie to myself.... every journey starts with the first baby step... so too does this crypto game and the blogging game and likewise the social networking game!
If my response isn't what anyone want to read.... too bad so sad... I'm just voicing my opinion based on my life experiences!
Didn't have an inheritance or lucky lotto win in my life... so that could be part of the reason I look at things so realistically and practically.... without any gift wrapping!
Great post @hitmeasap I've been inviting people to join Steemit for the last couple of weeks. I even did a little google hangouts session with 6 musicians who I believe can bring value to this platform, but I was very careful to not over promise, as you have pointed out. Not setting a realistic expectation is really to the detriment of Steemit, all those users who abandon their accounts with bitter disappointment are sure to speak badly of Steemit to other people.
I will for as far to say that I will do my part to fight back the over promising ads, not with attacks to the promoters, but with exactly what you have outlined in your post.
We can't assume they are guilty of a crime from the get go, maybe in their heads they think this is working towards Steemit's success, but maybe, just maybe they have not considered the dark side of the moon.
I can't remember who posted these stats, and if someone reads this comment and can help me find them again that would be fantastic, but there is a high number of dead accounts, and the number just gets bigger every week.
We could blame the borkyness of Steemit last month, and I won't try to defend that, but I would put money on the fact that most of them left because:
In any case, I applaud you efforts to bring this to light, to start up a conversation around this topic. Hopefully a big account with influence can not only give you a good boost (well deserved) but hopefully resteem this post (as I will, but I have a small account) so that more and more people start talking about this.
You won a new follower, much success
Thank you very much for this fantastic comment, your resteem and for the follow. I truly appreciate it!
Exactly. One cannot be certain of this, but I believe these are two of the reasons people have given up on Steemit in the past and will leave Steemit in the future too. And that's saddens me, because it doesn't have to be that way.
People are working hard, just like I've been doing myself, to educate, inspire and motivate people.. I've been trying to tell people the truth and I've tried to encourage people. However, it's often hard to argue with people and to tell them that they need to work hard and put in tons of effort, when the sole reason for them to join Steemit in the first place was due to the lies about hundreds of even thousands of dollars within a blink of an eye.
That's why I want these advertising campaigns to change. So we tell people the truth. - That way we will be able to bring people here without empty promises and that will reduce despair too.
Well your heart is in the right place, and I'm confident that a Dolphin or even a good whale will eventually read your thoughts and help you be a little louder.
After all, we can think of Whales and Dolphins as the ones who stand to gain the most of our user retention, if they are good investors, like many of them already are, they simply could not disagree with your analysis.
Well, they might agree but there's also the possibility that even though they might agree with what I've said, they might not believe it's worth an upvote. :D
However, I'm glad you agree and I'm thankful for your kind words.
;) its already happening!
Hehe yeah, you're right. It's awesome! :)
Great write up. If we can stick around long enough (as well as steemit) I believe we will all be rewarded. Even if the votes don't come you'll eventually make it to the point where you have enough followers or enough steempower to at least make steemit worth your time.
I'm not saying fancy boats, cars, and house buying time, but enough to at least consider steemit a side/part-time job. Enough that maybe you're able to pay the bills each month.
I completely understand though what you're saying about promoting realistic expectations. No point in overpromoting what less than <.1% of the steemit worlds expereiences are.
A new boat or a new house a couple of times per year wouldn't be that bad though... :D
You're definitey right. I see no reasons for such statements to be the bait to lure newcomers to Steemit. - The reality and the truth should be enough.
As of my reply you're sitting at a whopping $.90 so good luck getting back to the $10 threshold.
Thank you. I might reach that or not, but it doesn't really matter. Even the $0,90 as it valued right now is awesome. :)
Optimistic outlooks work too.
I feel you,
It is true,
Money talks is somewhat steemit is,
New users where lure to money if they were trying find online earnings
But that also true, without money i wouldn't be here!
I barely can make dollars here but I stay for the awesome people and the community!
I know, most if not 100% of the people are on Steemit for the money for starters and I have no problem with that. As long as people realize that they won't become millionaires or earn thousands of dollars per day. - These false advertising campaigns provides a skewed reality.
And I would love to see such advertising campaigns come to an end as it brings us nothing but greed and despair to the community in the long haul.
Thank you for your comment!
I agree, perhaps they could replace not something like that,
But i don't think they will get the message!
Well, I think the way Steemit does it is great actually. "Your voice is worth something".
However, I am not that fond of the "Money Talks" text, as it sends a weird message. That basically tells people that if they don't earn money, they're worthless and that's wrong.
"Your voice is worth something" however, tells exactly how it is. Your voice is worth something on Steemit because most Steemians will earn something sooner or later.
That being said though, this is not so much about Steemit's own advertising or statements... This is more about other Steemians advertising campaigns. Established Steemians are often referring to Steemit as a "digital goldmine" where everyone can make thousands of dollars. - And that is not true.
Sure, in theory it is true, because everyone can actually make thousands of dollars at some point. But that's not what these people are saying. They make it sound like everyone will make thousands of dollars 24/7, 7 days per week. - And they do this as it's the perfect bait to lure in new people.
However, the newcomers will do nothing but end up in despair and become demotivated when they realize that they won't be able to earn more than a few dollars...
And that will ultimately leave us with more anger, sadness and depression in the long haul. - That's what I want us all to prevent.
Advertising is always exaggerated, that's what it is!
An eye opener for them to come in!
Not all people are meant to be in steemit,
If they will come and stay, it's good!
If they leave finding out steemit is not a gold mine, it's fair!
After all, money talks is real, that depends on how you gonna apply it!
I bet 90% stay in steemit because money talks
A % leaves steemit, most reason its not their world, simply as that!
Even whales keep ranting steemit and fight among whales, see that already,
I agree with you, also I don't see the point to deceive your friends and followers with empty promises. I also think that by luring in only people that want to make a quick buck we end up having issues of poor quality content and plagiarized articles
Very well said. I didn't even brought this up in the article, but you're definitely right. These "get rich quick"-type of persons will obviously publish tons of garbage too, and that's bad. Very bad.
The only expectation I had when I signed on here was that it had a community feeling to it, I encouraged a few from YT to come over as it provided yet another outlet to share and showcase who they are.
The point is put your money where your mouth is (or fingers) and build yourself by being an active member of this community.
I am not here for the money (but not against it either) and there is still a lot I do not understand about blockchain and crypto but I am willing to learn and enjoy it as I do.
Thank You for bringing this topic up hitmeasap! https://steemit.com/steemit/@daddykirbs/is-steemit-worth-it-are-the-rewards-real @Daddykirbs is one of those yt creators that has a great message to share. @mericanhomestead is another who lives the life most can only dream about for now. @papa-pepper we are all watching him make it happen in real time as well as several others.
I'm glad you came here for the right reasons, or with the right mindset. I'm glad you where not one of those who joined due to false advertising and empty promises of luxury.
Money is and will always be the biggest factor or reasons for people to join Steemit and I don't see that as a problem. However, I do see the false advertising and empty promises as a problem. It would be better to promise people a chance and explain why and how Steemit will give them an opportunity that no one have ever given them before. - Such things would be enough to bring new people here.
And by promising them the real deal without empty promises and without lies, greed and despair will be prevented automatically.
I am older than dirt, don't have greed or ego to drive me so I don't see the need to blow smoke to create the smoke and mirrors and create a false illusion other than you have to work if you want to succeed here or anywhere in life.
Good point.
I typically make less than five dollars per post.
(usually MUCH less)
That's five dollars I didn't have before...
That's five dollars that I would NOT make on FaceBook.
I know how that feels. I've had a bunch of ~$2 articles too. Some have been higher but most of them have been below the $5 mark. But just like you said, that's $5 more than you would ever earn from Facebook, so even though one might wish or long for truly high rewards, one should still be thankful for each cent.
the trick is..

post EVERY day.
the whole idea is to attract a group of people who read your stuff and vote on it.
doesn't matter if their vote isn't worth a lot.
eventually, when (not if) the price of steem goes UP..
those votes will be worth something..
Then this happens.
that was a nice day.
I hope it happens again.
Thank you very much for sharing this. I couldn't agree with you more and I've often tried to encourage my readers to be active and I've tried to inspire and motivate those around me. Steemit is a truly wonderful place, but tons of effort is required. And people need to know that.
you get out of it what you put into it.
it's not easy.
anyone who says it's easy is lying.
Well said!
This is a great post telling it like it is! I began to get a bit fed up with the claims, and newcomers being given false hopes. A friend told me about Steemit and said I could earn a lot with my writing. That didn't happen but I haven't done too badly, I am fairly IT confident but cryptocurrency is another ballgame. I am patient and enjoyed Steemit for what it is, a community. I have made friends or people I like to hear from, who have interesting views, not necessarily the same as mine, but interesting viewpoints. That makes good reading. I try to encourage others by stressing the fact that only good posts and good curation works, that and patience. I will resteem this so at least my feeds can read it. Well done! Happy Steeming!
Thank you very much for the resteem. I appreciate it :)
I'm glad that you was able to overcome the despair or the time when you felt low due to false claims and statements. Or at least that you realized that you wouldn't make a living off of Steemit within a days work. Thank you for your comment.
My pleasure but I must say it wasn't after a day's work but many months, and being told how well I was doing. ButI learnt a lot and will go on doing so!
Thank you so much for posting this. I feel like so many people are missing this and you are spot on. We have a serious expectation problem from newcomers to this platform. I feel like if expectations we're more realistic right from the start we wouldn't be having near the amount of complaining that keeps coming up and the community would be better for it.
That's not to discount some of the flaws in the current system, but come on, this is whole experiment is a baby in beta and is constantly evolving and becoming. Be a part of it and engage with where it's at now and help it grow into what we want it to be.
Enjoy the ride.
Thank you for your comment. I definitely agree with you that the expectations from newcomers are too high from the get go, and that's obviously due to the inaccurate advertising campagins going on.
I mean, people wouldn't expect a single thing if someone didn't told them what to expect. And telling people to expect rainbows and unicorns are not good for Steemit in the long haul. It will only lead to misery and despair.
"Persistence" is the key word. . .If every person on Steemit was committed to posting original content every day, week, etc then over time this would be a very valuable place. But as you mentioned, people expect to get rich quick and quite their jobs, which is absolutely laughable. . . On the flip side over the long haul (5-7 years) who knows where the price of Steem goes. . .$2, $4, $10, $50?
Unfortunately, those Steemians who've given up on Steemit due to all the lies, the false advertising or the empty promises will not be around at that point.
Couldn't agree more. Realistic expectations at the beginning are important.
Exactly and that's also why I want these advertising campaigns to stop being filled with lies or at least inaccurate information.
If we limit the talk about "dream-like scenarios" people will be happy, glad and filled with hope for each cent they make... - And they will also quickly realize that it takes tons of effort to reach success. Which ultimately would lead to a better place and a better experience for everyone.
i like where your head is at.
Cannot agree more : telling the reality (i.e only a few earn money on Steem, most people don't earn much PLUS you will spend lot of time to vote etc...) is way better than telling false promises.
If people come here and spend time only to earn money, they will probably be disillusioned and leave.
They should come for the content & to share what truly resonate with them.
Well said, thanks for your comment.
The false or inaccurate advertising is definitely hurting us in the long haul. I hope this article could act as some sort of "warning" for this type of poor advertising, but the reality is that this article won't be able to reach all these people. - But if I can change one single person's advertising behaviour, I've done something. :)
Very well put I think in to days world people are all trying the get rich scene. I just enjoy the people I meet and interact with and if money, cars, and or trips come along so be it.
Thank you are.
No worries and Peace Out.
I'm glad you're not one of the "get rich quick" type of people who came along due to false information. I wish you the best of luck. :)
Right on! This community is only what you make of it, if you come in expecting to make millions, then you will be sadly disappointed. If you come in expecting to exchange high quality posts with other people, then this will be a great place for you.
This is very true. However, if you've never heard of Steemit before, and if you've never heard of cryptocurrencies or blockchains... And you suddenly see someone tweeting about "this cool place where you will earn thousands of dollars" you'll definitely join and expect "the world". Especially if you also see a screenshot of thousands dollars in rewards.
So the false advertising (or the inaccurate) is actually what makes people expect as much as they expect. Which is why I want these campaigns to reduce the promises of rainbows and unicorns, because Steemit is not that easy.
The new Whale Wars will begin soon.
You think?
Even though there is always a chance or a risk for that to happen, I haven't been digging much into any of this lately. Would you mind filling me in, in case I've missed something specific?
Oh...there just seems to be a bit of push back on the bots and certain "bought" whales doing what you say in this post. So, I am just guessing there is going to be another battle going on in the future. Just a guess, no hard proof.
Oh... and
Thanks for your follow up reply. I was aware of this, but I haven't actually thought about this to be a reason for an upcoming war or not... But you have a good point actually.
Thanks for your honest post...
You're welcome!
Yes , I agree with you.
I'm glad you agree.
I am hesitant to tell many people about steemit for the exact reasons you stated. One has to want to write, appreciate a good read, and even more enjoy getting to know new people . I agree with you 100% . Had a couple of good pay outs a few months ago, but now struggle to make $ 5.00. Thanks for a great post. 🐓🐓
Great post, I do agree with you on mostly everything but also I think it is a misconception to compare Steemit with Facebook or Twitter as Steemit relates more to a Blogging platform with quality content than sharing (useless) status overtime. On that matter , it is a high value community here, one that try its best to elevate the platform which is quite different from Social medias such as FB which is more about connecting people rather than sharing valuable content in my opinion. (my 2cents idea ^^)
Cheers and thanks again for sharing this it is a great post !
Everytime I promote/tell peopleabout steemit, it´s not the financial part of this platform that I´m highlighting. I tell them about the great content, content-creators and the community itself!
The fact that you eventually make some money out of great posts is just a Bonus.True words and a great post @hitmeasap! :)
That´s the thing! :) How many people use twitter, facebook etc. and nobody is complaining that the only ones who make money out of their original content is the operator of the platform.
Upped and resteemed!
Have a nice day!
Thanks... I guess you're one of the fastest readers ever.
This article might not be that long but it basically took you 20 seconds to reply, so I guess you read this article in about 15 seconds as I assume it would take you approximately 5 seconds to write your reply. Well done. ;)