Hound Dog at Your Service
your personalized post recommender. I hunt and track down posts that you like based on your previous upvotes and interests. I read through every pulication and, by using Natural Language Processing, can support you to discover content that is right for you! It's very easy and the only thing I want in return is a vote from you.Finding good content on Steemit among thousands of posts published each day can be exhausting. But don't you worry, I can help! My name is @hounddog and I am
How It Works
- Upvote this post, giving a 100% upvote
- optionally follow me
- and resteem this post
- Reply to this post
- with just @hounddog to get personalized recommendations based on your last 5 upvotes
- or with @hounddog https://steemit.com/steemit/@myfavoriteauthor/my-favorite-post to find similar posts to the one in your comment
- Wait for about a minute and refresh this webpage
- I will recommend new, recent posts to you
- 3 recommendations for your vote
- 5 if you additionally follow me
- or even 10 if you upvoted, followed, and resteemed this post
Please, give only 100% upvotes, anything less won't get you very far!
You can get multiple recommendations if you upvote my recommendations to you and reply to this post with @hounddog another time. Make sure to vote on other posts in between, otherwise you may get the same recommendations again!
IMPORTANT: Recommendations are given until 01.04.2018 (UTC). Find a newer post of mine after that date for new recommendations.
Here is an example using the trending post Staking & Masternodes And How To Participate In APR Private Sale! 300 APR Coins Giveaway! 😎💰 by @dineroconopcion. Let's say you upvoted my post, followed me, and replied with:
@hounddog https://steemit.com/steemit/@dineroconopcion/staking-and-masternodes-and-how-to-participate-in-apr-presale-300-apr-coins-giveaway
I would recommend the following posts:
1: Cryptocurrency First Time Buyer Guide
2: HODL or Sell? My Experience HODLing
3: A Positive Vibe in The Cryptocurrency Markets at Last! A Lot Still Needs to Happen Projects Like Steem Deserve More Investment!
4: How to decide which altcoins you should buy and which you should avoid at all cost
5: Masternodes The Simple Guide for Crypto Investors by @cryptocoinkb (33% match) by @davidmichael (28% match) by @ilyastarar (29% match) by @maxdigi (33% match) by @bitcoin-journal (56% match)
I upvoted your post, but I did not receive any recommendation?!
Did you give a 100% upvote? If not, only 100% upvotes count. If yes, wait a tiny bit longer, maybe I am currently being in maintenance mode. Finally, leave a comment to let my developer know that something is not right and need to be fixed. Thank You!
Can I use your service if I sold my vote to services such as @smartsteem?
Well, you can give it a try. But my suggestions are based on the upvotes of your account. If your account voted for crap, you will get crap in return. Your vote on Steemit counts, so think twice about whether you sell it to a bot! Alternatively, you can add an example post (like @hounddog https://steemit.com/steemit/@myfavoriteauthor/my-favorite-post) and I will search for other posts similar to your example.
Can I get some more recommendations?
Yes, just upvote my first recommendations to you and reply to this post with @hounddog again.
Can I send you SBD to get even more recommendations?
Well, no! Sure send me some SBD if you have no use for them, but do not expect anything in return. You pay for this service with your vote only. This is recommendation socialism, baby! If you can give a lot, you have to give a lot, if you cannot, you only have to give a little!
How do you give recommendations?
In a nutshell, I read all posts of the last two weeks and, first, filter all short ones, non English ones, and publications drowning in spelling mistakes. Secondly, I extract the essence out of each contribution. I do this by embedding the posts into a vector space using a term frequency inverse document frequency encoding. Next, I look up the last 5 posts you voted for (or, alternatively, just read the example post you provided) and project these into the space, too. Finally, I search the space for the articles closest to your choice by maximizing the cosine similarity between your votes (or the example post you gave) and the last two weeks' publications.
Are you related to @trufflepig?
your needs only.Yes, I am designed and coded by his developer @smcaterpillar, too. And yes, I even do use parts of @trufflepig's codebase. However, he tries to satisfy the taste of the masses whereas I try to cater to
Best with barks,

after you upvoted my post!
I will answer your call as fast as I can:@hounddog <--- Call me like this
voting and following! I used the following post(s) to find recommendations for you: Post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5.Hi @hounddog, thanks for
Based on your interests I recommend the following articles:
1: A Radical Idea to a Malignant Problem
2: Understanding Steem Economy, Its Currencies, and The Reward Distribution System!
3: I am a Bot using Artificial Intelligence to help the Steemit Community. Here is how I work and what I learned this week! 201812
4: My Steem Journey Progress Log 9 Day 78
5: Introducing the BRO Sports Bot! by @jasonshick (48% match) by @ilyastarar (43% match) by @trufflepig (51% match) by @svkrulze (63% match) by @bro-sports (43% match)
voting and resteeming! I used the following post(s) to find recommendations for you: Post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5.Hi @sorin.cristescu, thanks for
Based on your interests I recommend the following articles:
1: Steem Sincerity Spam Filtering API and App Extensions
2: **Love It Shove It Challenge **
3: Steem Sincerity Simple Spam Filtering Chrome Extension for Steemit.com
4: Jokes on you Google.
5: Crypto Ads Banned by GOOGLE 2018 Scam Warning or Positive News ?
6: Privacy Issues From Our Online Activities
7: Google Will Remove Cryptorelated Ads Starting June 2018
8: Google You Son Of A ! You Are Making Me Lose Money
9: loveitshoveit challenge... Accepted!
10: How Google and Facebook are Making Money from Your Personal Data And What One Blockchain Company is Doing to Stop It by @andybets (50% match) by @princessmewmew (35% match) by @andybets (34% match) by @skapaneas (34% match) by @uxair (44% match) by @iyanpol12 (41% match) by @agamsaia (48% match) by @bluedemon (36% match) by @bluesapphire06 (34% match) by @cryptofy (37% match)
strange choice of "Post 1" to "Post 5". While these are posts I voted, they are not the most recent posts and they are not necessarily posts to which I awarded a 100% vote. A post I voted at 100% more recently than Post 3 (but before calling you) was this one yet you didn't use it ...
Anyway, the problem is that I do sell a bit of voting power when at 100% (because I don't want to waste it) and therefore your recommendations do not necessarily reflect what I really read ...
Well, yes, so far I don't distinguish between voting weight, I just check if it is positive. And also true, to be precise, I take the last 5 most recent posts that survive the preprocessing and filtering. Because if you vote on too short or non-English posts, I cannot use them in my tf-idf encoding.
Btw, the querying of posts like @hounddog https://steemit.com/science/@suesa/fasting-and-pain, works a bit better to my mind, especially for people making a quick buck by selling their precious vote :P (see below)
it's not about "making a quick buck" - it's about not letting VP get stale. It helps nobody when VP stays at 100% unsued. If I sell down to, say, 99% it helps people who want to promote their posts and it brings me a little bit of steem power
Isn't the reward pool distributed regardless of how many people vote? You just have a proportional share in deciding who can benefit!?
Hence, not voting is always better than voting on crap, because there is a chance that other people not making crap get a bigger piece of the pie. Correct me if I am wrong.
well ... it depends on the level of reflexive thinking - it's an inherently unstable, non-Nash equilibrium. Because the more people abstain from voting on crap, the bigger the reward to "defectors" who choose to "cheat" and vote on crap. More seriously and philosophically, it's been the undoing of Communism.
if everybody acts altruistically and only takes from the "reward pool" (of the socialist state) what it needs, according to the rules of the Party, and puts into the pool according to his abilities, then Communism is paradise.
Except it's not. Because the more people respect the rules and comply, the higher the reward of the cheaters and defectors. With social groups bigger than 200 people it breaks down inevitably
@hounddog https://steemit.com/science/@suesa/fasting-and-pain
voting and following! I used the following post(s) to find recommendations for you: Post 1.Hi @smcaterpillar, thanks for
Based on your interests I recommend the following articles:
1: Dear Diary Success As I Completed My Bathroom Journey And Back To My Room
2: Intermittent Fasting is a Natural Remedy
3: 540 Million People Suffer Lower Back Pain Report
4: Health Science 4; Lipolysis and Ketogenic Diet
5: Why should I fast before medical checkups image test? by @cryptopie (36% match) by @homestead-guru (55% match) by @marandhawa (48% match) by @mawarmerah (38% match) by @radiologist (36% match)
voting and resteeming! I used the following post(s) to find recommendations for you: Post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5.Hi @sharpshot, thanks for
Based on your interests I recommend the following articles:
1: Exaggerated Self Importance STEEM Does NOT Need You!!!
2: Is Steem still the blockchain based social media platform?
3: The value of Steem is revealed when the crypto recession begins
4: Should I Sell or Should I Hold?
5: Bitpayer to start exchanges in other cryptocurrencies, steem inclusive. Wow.
6: Low Steem Price HIGH Opportunity
7: 2 STEEM Look at these discount prices!
8: Business Knowledge Brings New Investments Steem Is The Best Choice For 2018
9: Happy 2nd Birthday Steem! This coinmarketcap archive screenshot shows Steem has been to 8.16 Jan 3rd just two months ago, and we CAN and WILL get back to that price and beyond!
10: Crypto Crash Predictable and Good in the Long Run by @taskmaster4450 (45% match) by @drpuffnstuff (36% match) by @dana-edwards (38% match) by @gmichelbkk (38% match) by @tesaganewton (44% match) by @maxabit (37% match) by @memesteemit (39% match) by @dobartim (36% match) by @ackza (36% match) by @edicted (35% match)
That's good. I'll use it again.
Feedback noted and highly appreciated :-D
voting and following! I used the following post(s) to find recommendations for you: Post 1, Post 2, Post 3.Hi @smcaterpillar, thanks for
Based on your interests I recommend the following articles:
1: A Radical Idea to a Malignant Problem
2: Why You Need To Use SmartSteem
3: Upvote Bots 2 Our hated best friends
4: Understanding Steem Economy, Its Currencies, and The Reward Distribution System!
5: Tiny Tip of the Day Use Steembottracker.com by @jasonshick (64% match) by @jrswab (65% match) by @gabeboy (61% match) by @ilyastarar (57% match) by @infidel1258 (59% match)