Minnows & Newbies: The Comment Section Is Your Greatest Asset

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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Gamifying The Comment Section

So you're new to Steemit or you've been here for a while but you're a minnow. Look, I know how hard it is to break through all the noise in order to get your content noticed. It was much easier to get noticed when Steemit was much younger. But now we have seen a serious influx of new users since then. No worries. There's hope for you. 

So how can I as a newbie or minnow boost my reputation and start collecting some good ol' Steem?

One of the most underrated tools that you have in your repertoire is the comment section. Gamifying the comment sections of posts is something that you should seriously consider. Usually when newbies jump on Steemit they start posting their butts off or they just curate other people's posts. I have seen this method work well for some and not so well for others. I only actually know of one person who was a newbie to Steemit that has literally posted everyday for the last 5 months since he's been on Steemit. He has much success now due to a few things. Networking, ridiculously hard work, and great content. Those three ingredients make for a great chance at succeeding here. 

However those three ingredients are not the only options for minnows and newbies. Enter the comment section. The comment section is a great place to share your advice, ideas, and thoughts with others. It is one of the best ways to connect with other Steemians and help build stronger communities. Not only that but you have a good chance of your comments being upvoted and earning some Steem. 

The 3 main benefits of interacting in the comment section:

  1. Connect with other Steemians
  2. Increased visibility
  3. Earn Steem by having your comments upvoted and in turn giving your reputation a bit of a boost

Wrap Up 

Long story short, if you want to start gaining a little traction as a minnow or newbie, start getting highly involved in the comments. This can help not only boost your rep but get you paid. The more times you show up in someone's comments the better chance you have at getting upvoted and you own posts noticed. This is exactly why I started talking about the Art Of Reciprocity and why I upvote my followers so much. It's because I know how hard it is for minnows and newbies to make some noise here on Steemit. Something I aim to do is to create an environment in the comment section of my posts where people can feel free to share their thoughts, upvote one another, and encourage one another. You are officially invited to the Art Of Reciprocity

Are you a Steemit newbie or minnow?

What do you love about being a part of Steemit?

What are some of your goals you want to accomplish here?

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Yes, I see this often and throughout SteemIt from those giving advice to us newcomer's. It's a great help and the repetition is necessary. I notice quite a few comments in this thread where many are not getting the importance of comments. A comment not only helps to pull you out of the corner but gives a glimpse into your ability to write. I see quite a few channels with zero posts, but have thousands of follower's. That's why there is two main ways to earn. As an author and/or curator. 1-I am both a newbie and a minnow. Even though it says I have been a member since August 2016, I only remember requesting an account in 2017. Being technically challenged, I at first couldn't figure out how to upload my avatar image from my device, so was using another more user friendly platform until around Christmas time. My first post was around December 22, 2017. 2- There are so many things to love about SteemIt. It is a massive place, a political system, an economy, a media platform, a way to make a living and all in all, it's a complete societal social structure. It gives us an alternative to the mainstream way of doing things. A true Democracy, in which everybody has a say according to their experience. SteemIt is the next step towards creating a perfect society. 3- I have high hopes for SteemIt. First and foremost, I am here to connect and create a harmonious community. Not one where everyone agrees, but where we can work together and communicate, in spite of disagreement. I plan on starting a blogging career, instead of living my life as a wage slave. SteemIt has the ability to help me disengage from a society I have not only never quite connected with, but disagree with on so many levels. I am and will continue to use it to voice my philosophy with the hopes of connecting with those which agree, those which agree, but can see the good in my thoughts and those which completely disagree, but are open enough that we both can find the common ground in each other's ideals and work together to change the world. I am planning a quite ambitious journey and will need to build a community to make it work long term. SteemIt is one platform that gives me the ability to do this. I believe above all this, using SteemIt is a great way to learn to gather your own thought s coherently to understand yourself better and this is the key for growth.

"It's a complete societal social structure" That just dawned on me of how much depth there is to this place and the mindblowing thing is that this is only the base of mount everest so to speak.

Dude you can do it. Steemit can help you do away with wage slavery and being a cog in a machine. If you really enjoy it then it will feel more like play than work. For me it's been a tough journey but after a year I'm starting to get the balling rolling. It can be done. Nothing is impossible

You have so much to talk about and many people would love to hear what you have to say. And plus we need more peace and harmony in this world. Much love man.

Oh I know, I got this. SteemIt is small beans compared to what I am preparing to do.

useful comments

You are my inspiration @humanearl and it has been quite some time we are interacting here in your blog and it really gives a great sense of pleasure visiting ur blog and commenting upon it.

And yes commenting is great way to socialize in steemit for minnows especially.

Thank you and Have a great day.

it feels good to connect with other people. Especially if they are from a different country. I'm glad we connected.

Hello @humanearl Thanks for this great piece of advise, as a matter of fact I got to hear about you from my husband @restandreign, he has literally fallen in love with your blog and can't stop taking about you. Had to read this when he sent the link to me. I am so gonna be taking commenting more serious now and not just posting my contents . Thanks again. Resteemed and followed. Cheers

@thelovejunkie Nice to meet you! @restandreign is a very helpful guy and we try to stay in communication. Commenting is a big way not only for people to earn but also to simply communicate with others and get to connect. Many people that just start out here ask me what they can do to be better.

I know it is very hard for new people to get their blogs noticed so I encourage them to start interacting on people's posts. This way people see your name and potentially upovte you for a great comment. Over time these small amounts of money can add up to hundreds or thousands of dollars.

I'm so glad we connected and I wish you very well here. If you need any help just let me know. Much love.

Oh dear, once again thanks.

If you need any help just let me know. Much love.

You've got a good heart. God bless your heart bro @humanearl

I've just started to learn about this. Been commenting more regularly over the last few days. It can be a challenge to view the impact of commenting. I now use Steem.Supply to view the impact of comments on my earnings. This has helped me to stay on track and be more consistent.

Happy to have stumbled onto your post. Engaging in the Art of Reciprocity: Upvoted, resteemed, commented & followed. Thank you!

Another great resource is https://steemworld.org/@acdevan

It also has data regarding comments as well. I'm not sure if it is as detailed as Steem supple or not but I use steemworld everyday. I use it to track my voting power so I can keep paying people for their comments and posts.

And you are very welcome to comment here at any time. Thanks alot.

Thank you for the tip! I do access SteemWorld regularly.

I totally agree with this. As I have learned more about this I started out following few friends and just posting then later I realised that there is potential by following more people as they follow or comment on things I share here. The other thing is I dont mind now responding and try to respond to all responses as best I can now. It has built quick growth for a short while. Now its about remembering to read others articles and learn or take away some new ideas. but definitely build your community and comments, replies and following are the best help beyond just posting. just as I have done here. you have been followed, re-steemed and up-voted! thanks for the insite. Keep up the good work.

You @jerryperkinsii has been followed and upvoted too. Well said

Thank you!

@jerryperkinsii Much love man and thanks. Glad you have already implemented these ideas. It helps to build community and get way from the "take, take, take" mindset

you are good person @humanearl it so not easy for minnows and newbies on steemit. Im a minnow so I knw so. its sop frustrating.I hardly sleep most nights cos Im always pondering deeply on quality articles I can come up with in orderton get notice here but ive already given up on the idea of posting to get noticed or whatever, what i do now is try to come up with good post, surf steemit and put quality comments on good blogs and upvote good blogs and not killing myself in the name of getting noticed and all but i believe in the saying that "hardwork pays off" so I wont relent, I wont kill myself neither. Imma keep grinding till Im remembered probably someday.

i love so many things about being a part of steemit but what surpasses them all is fact that i get to learn to learn alot on steemit. i hardly visit other sites, steemit is like a home for me thats why i call it "my safe haven". im really loving here bro.

goals i wanna achieve on steemit are numerous, some of them are:
*build up my reputation.
*post a lot influential and educative articles.
*get enough steem power
*be as influential and generous as some my mentors like @surpassinggoogle, @swissclive and the rest of them, i want to be able to do what they doing and even more.
*have many followers due to my influence on steemit
*help newbies and minnows when i get to my summit
*i sure must add make enough dough, pls im human. etc

thks @humanearl for your post i gained something from it. imma follow u to get updates on ur blog, u can choose to follow back if u wish.

@happymichael Glad you found Steemit! It has become a safe haven for many. I just happened to find it a little earlier on. I know exactly how hard it is for minnows to get noticed. The best advice is to go hard on commenting and giving value in other ways if you don't post on your blog.

Trust me there have been many people who have commented on my posts and had their reputations boosted because I upvoted them. Stay active in the comments and you'll be fine

Youve got no problem bro.. Thks for being a good man @humanearl

I agree 100% , except for the 'gamify' part.
let's be real ok.
as I've said a bucha time.
actually, you know, read the damn article
then talk about it.

nothing pisses me off more than
"great post", 'thanks for sharing' and silly nonsense like that.
I automaticly mute who ever did that.

I post stuff to DISCUSS...
when I was on FaceBook I'd have threads with THOUSANDS of reponses..
on Steemit, until lately, four or five were the norm
and two or three of those were commnet bots
(I hates em)

commenting can earn steem

one day for me.

can I say that this platform welcomes ALL DISCUSSION- well, NO. If monetization is fueled by positive engagement then you're gonna get alot of generic "great post" nonsense you speak of...naturally. A question to anyone who reads this. DOES DOWNVOTING Demonetize someone? If it does demonetize then the opposite is also true, if I expressed any idea that is different or even disliked by most I risk being punished for it here. Personally, I wouldn't know what happens when thew downvote button gets hit- I haven't used that button . as a general rule I'd like to think that I do not do unto others what I would not like to be done to me...

the first rule of steemit (the platform) is that there are no rules.
do what you wanna do.
upvote/downvote are tools to do so
downvotes definitely demonitize.
an armed society is a polite society and downvotes are arms.
no one said that Steemit was a 'safespace'
use all due discretion.

And all those comments count in the long run. Let the faucet leak for long enough and you'll have a sink full of water.

My point about gamifying was with the intention that people ENGAGE. If I get those resteem, upvote, one liners I just move on to the next comment.

Something hilarious is that I saw on your post about the nasty weather you asked someone "are you a real person?"

yup..and they never replied so I assumed they were a bot.
I muted them.
I don't talk to machines...

and again yup...lots and lots of comments (dripping faucets) can add up to a swiming pool full of steem...

Steemit is a SOCIAL platform..not a place for 'my machine' to talk to 'your machine'.

The 3 main benefits of interacting in the comment section:
Bro you got all points well! This is what all minnows need to understand! Actually I also built on this and still I am! Great you decided to talk about it!


I remember when you first started commenting here. Now you have come a long way. Just keep working at it. Glad you have benefited from this.

So true. This is great advice, @humanearl. I know that hearing this advice early on helped me boost my reputation. Seeing that sometimes I would make more money on a comment as opposed to a post also showed me how important the comment section really is. What I like about is, like you said, you become a voice. It incentives you to make meaningful connections on the platform, as opposed to just broadcasting to the masses. And slowly but surely, those connections turn into upvotes. But I think more importantly, they give minnows a chance to learn. Steem and Steemit aren't like other social networks, and it takes some getting used to to figure out the game. But like you said, it's simple: utilize the comment section. I've been making an effort to promote good comment etiquette in my own comment section, and it's been worth it.

@joshpeterson Perfect man. You have done a great job at understanding the value of the comment section. Many newbies and minnows don't understand the value in using it. I can tell you for a fact that there are people that comment on my posts that have made more money commenting than posting.

Building connections is hard work but it's so priceless.

Thanks for sharing. I think like all things in life, it is really about relationships. Developing, reading, caring, and interacting in posts helps develop and foster more relationships. Relationships tie directly into our S.H.A.P.E - Spirtuality. Heart. Abilities. Purpose. Experience. Someones SHAPE is the essence of who we are. Peace.

I like that acronym. It actually describes the culture of Steemit in a big way.

@humanearl Brotherman, I like reading your posts because they're really helpful and very beneficial.

It feels good to hear someone who's been there longer than you've been, show you how to make substantial progress.

You said:

Enter the comment section. The comment section is a great place to share your advice, ideas, and thoughts with others. It is one of the best ways to connect with other Steemians and help build stronger communities.

I've decided to invest quality time daily to go through other people's posts, engage with them in their comment section, frankly share my quality thoughts on their posts and really just bond by way of rubbing minds with them.

Thank you for this post.

See you already on it. The more value you add to people's lives the better connections you'll make. Trust me I'm getting a small glimpse of that now. I am only thankful because I deserve nothing.

Yeah but don't you have a job? Quality time? Like how long?

I do comment a lot. But most of the topics which interest me are posted by minnows like me. Such minnows either preserve their up-vote power for citation rewards or have a very low reputation. And it doesn't help me much. Its a very slow journey now.

@blog-beginner In the beginning it will be slow for most. This is exactly why I have always upvoted people's comments since as long as I can remember. Trust me man many people have had their reps boosted and earnings boost a little just by commenting on my posts.

So to encourage you I say keep going. Build some momentum and be persistent.

I'm planning to convert my SBD earned to Steem and power-up. Just want to understand the best time to do this. Is it when Steem is cheaper than SBD. Or price of Steem is down.
Help me understand.

Right. When steem is cheaper relative to SBD then it's a good time to convert.

For example. Let's say steem is worth $10. At the current value of 1SBD you can buy 0.819 steem. But then let's say steem is worth $1. Then you can buy 8.19 steem at the current price of SBD.

Ideally you want to buy steem when it is cheaper than the price of SBD.

Spot-on thinking. I'm just trying to be greedy. May be SBD will rise higher.
1 questions, I should cross SP level 14 after which my SP will really increase. Currently I'm just replacing the delegated SP with my actual SP. Is that right ?

I'm not sure what you mean by level 14 SP.

By SP I mean steem power. A new steem account is given a steem power of 14 as a loan. As you earn your own steem power, the loan is taken back. Once you cross steem power 14 is when you actually increase your vote influence. Till then it is just balanced to 14.

So you're saying that without buying Steem, you won't ever earn enough to get Steem, so you are basically investing in Steem in order to make more money. How is that any different than any other crypto? But with buying other crypto or mining for example, I don't have to do anything!

The difference I believe with Steem @momword is that not only can you invest by buying Steem (sitting back and doing nothing) but also you can earn from posts and comments here on Steemit as well as using some of the other Steem driven apps.

What I learned here :
Steemit is not only about UPVOTES & Money
It is about writing..
It is about reading..
It is about knowing people and their side of the story..
It is about learning..
It is about finding a path to follow..
It is about keeping yourself motivated to write better..
It is about broadening your thinking..
It is about spending your time productively..
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..

I think the most important thing here, is learning. Being able to take in peoples content and have an "ah ha" moment is what really drives me. Also, being able to find your own voice on here is what will get you noticed. A problem I have myself is that I have so many interests, I'm not sure what path to go down.

@rwenner Embrace the fact that you have so many interests. Also find the things that you value at the core.

What do you get excited about the most?
What do you have that could help people in a big way?

That's a start to having your own voice

Thank you so much for the reply. I love playing golf, reading, cooking, messing with my gopro, trading crypto. But overall I just love learning. I love learning new things and finding the ground floor and seeing how everything works. My first thought is maybe start reviewing the books I read, as they pertain to the business world and becoming a better you. Possibly a self-help channel? Just spit-balling here. Thanks again for the reply. A follow for sure! Love the content.

Broadening your thinking also helps you to be more understanding and empathetic towards others. Those are all key points you made.

weapon OR tool? or both? One of the things I love about steemit and dtube is how commenting is usually a far more positive experience. On other social platforms, there's nothing stopping the haters and trolls from being idiotic, vulgar, or downright hateful. On dtube and Steemit, there's chance you could get downvoted just for having a different opinion from the creators or other commentors. Then there is a chance I could be misunderstood, taken out of context, or just used the wrong words- and all it takes is one whale or even a dolphin to hamper a newbies payout or, more importantly, reputation.

weapons are tools
adulting is hard.

True x

What I would say is be considerate of others. Like you mentioned earlier. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you. Now of course not everyone has that mindset but oh well. You be the good example and just be considerate.

If you are afraid your words will be taken out of context then use a disclaimer. Easy peasy. Steemit just operates differently and the culture here is for the most part supremely considerate of others and positive as you said. This is what makes Steemit so unique because I don't know of any other platform that has a noticeable culture. Especially a very positive one.

I’m not even trying to game anything (yet?), I’m just trying to understand wtf this is all about. Surely Steemit is worth more than just a way to hustle up some cash?

It is much more - the point wasn't the hussle part of gaming (I think) it was how to move up so your content can start being noticed. If I may suggest you use the steemworld page it will show you a lot that isn't easily accessible. It helps me navigate a lot. You can alter the URL to see any other person's activity as well. If your CSI point is high (anywhere in the green double figures) on there, it means you are commenting and interacting as @humanearl is suggesting you do more. That kind of behaviour will move you up quickly.

@jmckenz Steemit is much more than the money. My point was about interacting with others in the comments as much as possible. The money you get from doing so is just icing on the cake. There are two kings here on Steemit. Great Content and Interaction. If you can please both of those Kings or just one of em then you will be fine. It's dos require work and input but nothing is impossible.

@trumanity Thanks for clarifying too. And yes the more you interact the better. Many people here in the comment section can attest to having their reps boosted and a little extra cash from the upvotes. Communication is basic to human function.

I am glad I had the right idea when I wrote the comment, I wasn't even sure you would agree @humanearl but i went ahead anyway. I think this is the process one has to go through, put some of yourself out there even if you're not so sure - this is genuine interaction. I like your very authentic manners and thank you so very much for your generosity in content, and the upvote - very generous indeed, Sir.

Oh yeah, didn't mean to say that was your perspective at all. Just that some people seem to be playing it that way, and while I can understand the motivation, I'm not sure it's going to be very productive for anyone in the long run.

Im a fan commenting on your posts not because i usually got upvoted but because i can openly share my thoughts and ideas with you.And thank you for that,youre willing to help minnows to gain more reputation at the same time how to communicate with other steemians regardless of the status and races.I love every post of you,it serves as motivation to everyone.UPPPPss for that!😊

@kimaben This is what I live for. I'm very happy to get to talk to and meet people from all over the world. I want to learn as much as I can about other people. Thanks.

Yeah it is nice to talk to different people,we keep learning from them and so them to us.Words we hear from them keeps us motivated.And those words are not sended to you or to me only,it is readable by everyone so it is nice commenting and sharing thoughts.

Thanks for sharing this. Would you say that anyone that follows you when you are new, that you should follow that person back? I will go back through comments on my blog to make sure I upvoted everyone comments, I am glad you pointed that out. I have only been on here a little over a week so far, so glad to learn. Thank you

There no issue in following others back at all. Sometimes it is hard to notice when people start following you. Keep doing the upvoting of comments. It shows your listeners that you care which you should.

Also reply to every single comment. But obviously you have to discern between the real and the spam comments. It's time consuming but it is so worth it because you are building community and that is priceless.

I'm glad you read this so you can hear it from someone besides me

I'm taking your advice on commenting to comment that I did day two of cold showers. It's not easy. I put off showering longer than I should have because I didn't want the pain. I thought about doing the warm shower, but wanted the "win" of making it through the trial. Did it. Thanks for the post, HE!

There you go. It's really just overcoming yourself. Learn to do that enough times and you will be much mentally stronger. Kudos!

So true. Also because of no chat funktion, the commentsection is also a place to stay in contact with steemians you like.

Your comment section is one of the most actives ive seen. Im sure its hard sometimes to go trough all this statements down here, but man...you are really building up a great community with real writening skills. We need this kind of people here on this platform.


Dude this is very difficult to go through many comments. But it's more than worth all the effort and I actually enjoy doing tis honestly. Thanks for the compliments as well.

We also need more artists like you!

Very good your publication, I think it's an excellent idea to motivate new people who join the steemit community because at the beginning it's hard. I am also premiering here and I like to know that there is the possibility of being noticed and being part of this great team full of people willing to collaborate with each other

Yepp. That exactly why I wrote this. Because it is very difficult in the beginning. I want to create something where people can come comment and make more money in the comment section of posts than they may initially make on their own blog. This is just to give people a bit of help in getting the ball rolling.

And welcome to Steemit as well. Glad you found it.

Its a very nice explanation in your article and see your blog then number of readers and follower are increasing day by day...WHY ?? because you are generous person and believes in reciprocity and that why minnows love you so much.

Thank you...steem on and stay blissful...

It really excites me to be able to help those who may not be in the same position as me.

cracks knuckles okay, it's time to start commenting!!! lol

Thanks for the great advice man!

Yepp. Trust me it works. Many people here in the comments can attest.

You are very right. First time I saw You around but I have to agree with You. And to be honest it is fun. If You want to be doing well in here You need to be part of the community. Or otherwise probably You will always be doing cents for life! :P

Yepp. I try to do my best to uplift others who take the time to comment on my posts. Many make more from comments than they do actually blogging.

That is true. A lot of people take time to be curating the platform and yhats what make steemit such a nice place to be. Thanks to steemit hopefully I will also be able to help pther artists and creators to reach bigger audiences and make money with their content. Just need to grow a little bit more ehheheheh

I love ur post @humanearl .. I love steemit...it brings out the part of writing in me I didn't know I had.. It really helps me interact with people that sometimes see things from a different perspective.. But all the same I'm glad I'm able to share ideas and views with my fellow steemians..

It did the exact same thing for me. A year ago I wasn't even a writer but now it's a new world. I just happen to love many creative outlets and this is one I feel free in.

I love the spirit... Let's write the talk..

The comment section is like a trail of breadcrumbs that leads back to your blog.

Yepp sure is. And if you are consistently commenting on people's posts then it helps even more.

We are very new to steemit, so commenting on posts can seem a little bit intimidating at first. But it is very interesting​ that it is easier to earn a little bit more with the comments.
It is hard to put out very great quality content at first ​because you have to establish​ what you're interested​ in and what will your blog be about. That takes a lot of time and effort, what's definitely worth it, but good to know that with commenting you can help this whole process.

@horydub Many here have not only earned through commenting but at the same time thy have boosted their reputations. This is because I upvote every comment except for the spammy ones.

I'd say write about the things that inspire you and energize you. Be yourself and have fun!

@humanearl thanks for sharing your experience. For minnows more support is required. I am using comment section to build my followers. I think in my view more the followers more is visibility. You are also right when u visit more in comment section ppl notice your comments and upvote. I have been trying to do same things. I have posted only 1 blog till now. I think I ll post second one after 100 followers... I dont want to waste my content without people following it. Do you think my strategy to blog after 100 followers is right?

Well it definitely helps to bring attention to your work if you have a few more followers but If I were you I would go for it. This could help to build some momentum. However I would say that right now you may want to split your time between creating content and commenting. This way you are building your base by being involved in the comments and also creating your own content.

Check out @valorforfreedom

He literally started with nothing on Steemit and now he is doing really well. So it's not impossible.

Thanks for your prompt reply. Checked the valor freedom profile. Nice. I will split the time in content making and comments. Thanks for your guidance, it means alot.

No problem. Anytime.

@humanearl - Sir it's hard to hear such valuable tips from whales & dolphins... You are helping the small people to grow with all your articles & upvotes... God bless you Sir... This is a valuable reference to all minnows & newbies of this platform...


It's the most important thing we have to do in order to continue making Steemit a success.

Thanks for this post @humanearl! I find it to be increasingly difficult to find good content on SteemIt, so I'm happy to follow you starting today. Let's all continue to work hard to produce content that is worth being commented on, and really truly being engaged in the comments so we can create a wealth of knowledge that is helpful to others. I woke up this morning with fresh ideas to post of content that is helpful to others. Let's make the world a better place together!

@rberkness Let's push to make things better. Glad you are here. We share like minds.

Thanks man! I‘m new here and trying to keep the quality posts but you‘re completely right. Thanks for the motivation and daaamn that crispy camera quality haha :D
sending some beauty of switzerland to you!

@mosha Haha thanks. BIG welcome and much love from Texas. Switzerland is so breathtaking. Do you all speak German there mostly or English?

@humanearl <3 Thanks for the nice welcome and yes it is really beautiful :) Actually we have our own chopped up weird version of german and some parts are french and some italian.

Thanks. I am trying to stay positive. Recently joined and I am still trying to navigate the site. I haven't figured out how to load my profile pic yet but maybe after some sleep maybe I will wake up refreshed and ready to try again.

Go to your settings. Then copy and paste the address of the image you want as a profile picture. If you need help let me know.

Thanks for the post. New user here looking to write some decent content. Steemit is a wonderful platform and i hope everyone gets a chance to have their work rewarded by the community

@wuko Big welcome!Hopefully so. It's just really hard for the newcomers but it can be done.

oh my god. 1 vote is 20 cents. wow I hope i can put out great content like your channel. it is hard to a newcomer like you mentioned but thanks for the comment section tips as a way to network and socialize. all the best to you sir!

I support your advice, communication in the comments can give an excellent start for any newcomer. It is important to understand that not everyone is lucky and success does not come at once, for this you need to work hard.
But this network generously repays all who do useful work, who is ready for communication.
Many people think that creating content and commenting is an easy job. But this is not so, it is a hard emotional work.
Thank you

"But this network generously repays all who do useful work, who is ready for communication." Perfect

Creating content is super hard to do and even harder to do everyday. The cool thing man is that Steemit not only rewards content creators but also those who comment and upvote others. It's a platform like no other.

I have been working on comments part a lot but if I feel I also do some posts (like 3-4 per week). But as of now I am more into networking, reading and making deep, meaningful relationships.

Thanks for the article, it helped a lot.

Whatever value you can bring to the community is more than worth it. Keep it up!

Peace and love man, keep it up and spread the dtube movement.

Same to you brother. Spread it.

Hi there @humanearl , I am fairly new to steemit ,
I have been posting for a couple of weeks now and love to make new friends comment and generally show alot of interest in peoples work ,
I post every single day on modelling , gaming , reviews , lego builds and much more This post is brilliant and i will be following and up voting you , Please stay in touch it is lovely to make new friends. dee x

@deeviras BIG welcome. Peace to you and glad you are creating as well.

Thank you Feel free to pop by my page and say hello ,x

Yes that does indeed seems to be the case and in following that many will be helpful !
It is indeed 1 of the greatest tool to boost RS!

One of the greatest and most underrated tools .

To few it is a weapon ;)
Thanks to you it is gonna become more effective now !

So beautiful article dear @Humanearl and yes commenting is a way for newcomers and minnows to make their journey a little easy and smooth in steemit.

Hopefully there will become many resources to help newbies and minnows understand the value in using the comment section.

i will always remain a newbie its great to learn and interact with new people learning always is a great experience for everyone here

and you have the biggest asset that you can cherish for life :)

As a minnow, I appreciate this advice greatly. It really is a struggle to get the numbers up...I thought going into it that it would be a breeze, and it has been so far from that.

Many come to Steemit thinking it is the land of milk and honey. Which in some cases it is but you have to fight the bears and the bees to get to it. But nothing is impossible.

I'm a minnow still learning how to be in steemit and here you will learn everything and enhances your skills and talents how you express and create new things thats why i want to know and learn more about steemit😊

Just keep learning and figuring out how to add value to the life of others.

That is a very good advice for newbies in steemit.

Hopefully it helps.

Thanks. That was very helpful. I’m sure you’ll see lots of comments on this if people actually read what you wrote!

If only indeed

oh wow i too play a part in daily life thats so cool to know i don't value much myself as i have nothing to give back but after reading your post i can see i make a bit of difference too

Even if you don't post on your blog page still find ways to give value. Whether it's an upvote or comment it still matters.

Very true. Quality comments goes a long way. Thanks for sharing @humanearl

Very true, comment section is useful for new steem users

Exactly. Very useful but often times overlooked.

Thanks man, I am pretty new to this, and I will work on commenting more. Peace!

The comment section may even lead to someone developing an interest in your posts.

True that.

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