@adson I think @remelsey has a great idea there. What I do is keep sticky notes around. I usually jot down things I'm thinking of on impulse as well as things I would like to talk about. This helps me but I know everyone has their own flow with doing things.
I record my thoughts on my smaller recorder. I can then have my computer transcribe them.
Oh ok. Does that help?
Yes, it helps me. My mind goes fast than I can type or write. A lot of times I come up with ideas when I am driving and the voice activated recorder allows me to safely preserve them. When they are printed out it looks like the ramblings of a madwomen. But, you never know what nuggets of gold you will find.
I am also going to start using the recorder to write my posts. Then I can edit them. I think it helps my writing process.
For every idea I write about I have probably 3 more that I decided to scrap. I love keeping track of what comes to mind.
I haven't heard of your particular process but whatever works for you , good.
I think it's a good idea, as well as I am starting to record my agenda, so the postings can be sustainable and also organized, thanks @humanearl and thank you @remelsey top its advice ..