
1 word: Beta. Chill the hell out man...or go to facebook where u literally get spied on and shadow censored in addition to be suckled on as by a giant leech.

You will cry the day more people realize what is here. You obviously havent been in crypto long.

So you actually believe Steemit is not on the brink of death, and that it might even grow stronger than ever before, increasing its price to $10?

What i "actually think" is that steem is still worlds better than fb, reddit, twittee and nearly every other platform simply because it cannot be truly censored and THAT is more valuable than you seem to realize.

Why the request to chill out? Do you see stress in my words or comment? May I suggest you chill out. First of all I never said Steemit was no good. I said it has no audience. This is fact. Sure it could change. I never said it wouldn't. I merely stated my point of view of the current scene.

Why tell me to go back to FB? Are you unable to receive critical comments and analyse them in good faith? What does FB have to do with anything? As for the length of time I have been in crypto - your assumptions are embarrassing. For you. Learn to take criticism. Otherwise this place ends up being an echo chamber.

To reiterate - I never said Steemit is no good. I said it has no audience. I hope that changes. So now, please, for your sake - chill out.