The African Dream; broken from roots

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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Growing up in Nigeria is an experience money cannot buy. Being an African is a privilege i could not have wished for, Africa happens to be so blessed that in the early years we had the British and other colonial masters step in either for business or adventure which would translate to business later. Some even came with the pretense of religion and ended up taking away our heritage.

An average Nigerian child born and bread in Nigeria would excel beyond its peer when placed in same economy and environment, this had lead to many business mogul preferring to work with Nigerians, apart from our resistance and ability to cope in tough situations we are also blessed with the ability to perform beyond average when in a favorable environment.

The hustle and bustle of Nigeria has successfully forged us into rugged Business conscious people who are determined to make it above average, we never settle foe less when great is attainable. Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city, sprawls inland from the Gulf of Guinea across Lagos Lagoon. Victoria Island, the financial center of the metropolis, is known for its beach resorts, boutiques and nightlife. To the north, Lagos Island is home to the National Museum Lagos, displaying cultural artifacts and craftworks. Nearby is Freedom Park, once a colonial-era prison and now a major venue for concerts and public events.

Lagos is center of Excellence to some people but to me it's home, my center of excellence spans across Lagos through Nigeria and the world. Lagos has its way of putting me on my toes, every little thing in Lagos inspires the very hair on my skin, from the beggars on the street to the touts in the bus stops to businesses scattered around every corner to the living conditions of folks to the high folks on the island and the smart folks in the mainland.

Every African Child from a tender age is faced with challenges beyond his or her powers, the government of the day contributes to make things worst in some cases. little wonder why we are so determined. A research conducted years back shows that Nigerians can be found in almost every country on earth.

Critically observing Africa would allow you notice the brains she possesses, African's despite the not so favoring conditions still emerge as one of the most respected continents in the world with more of young people topping the chart lately, the story of Mark Essien, CEO cannot but marvel the world. Him and many more young people in Africa are set and ready to change the narrative of Africa.

We are high achievers, success conscious people, hard working and warm people. Nigeria has a market that is open to investors and prospective businesses who are hoping to extend its tentacles.


There are amazing people all over the world. Unfortunately, not all have the chance to be borne in a country where all their native skills are appreciated... and this is just so sad!

And it is not (only) the Governments task to make sure they get a fair chance in life, we ALL need to step up and change our self.

Also, the way the world is setup now, its is also very, very tough for a Nigerian (or any other less-powerful nation) to succeed (in a world dominated by the economic power of USA/Europe) and be world known for his/her abilities: I can only imagine what kind of determination Mark Essien had...


This is very true, thank you for the comment.