Their smile and happiness to steemit - The 2 Year's special present steemit among the people - support Bahasa

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

2 Years has been running after steemit launched, Through the first account @steemit has been invoked a sentence motivation and welcome to the community.

Steemit Launched in March and starting to stand out in July, Steemit, a self-deprecating blockchain-based social media platform, has seen this level of fame in just the first few months of its operation.

Welcome to Steem!

What is Steemit?

As quoted by, Namely Ceo Steemit @NED Scott Explains:

This is a blockchain that tells the holder of Steem Dollars that, whenever in the future, the blockchain will convert their Steem Dollars into Steem dollar values ​​after a seven-day conversion process.

At the beginning, all the people who have known about this media have difficulty using, they do not know how to reconcile it to make money. But as it goes when users steemit grow in various countries and with their ability in creating outstanding contents.

So far there has been a variety of ways for the public to convey or publish their creative content. There have been so many #hastags and every hastag has them a number of curators or so-called monitoring boards.

What is the world community's response to steemit?

I personally can not assemble so many words to praise steemit and to those who set up this blockchain media, But you can see every day there are those who just joined and introduced themselves there #intrduceyourself . Perhaps the circumstance explains that many communities and families have experienced the positive impact of steemit.

My friend here has managed to give the best for their family:

  • They build houses where they live
  • Living the family
  • Buying a vehicle
  • Helping the poor and doing charity
  • etc

So many positive things happen!

So I can not describe one by one benefit because I too have felt it, so much happiness we feel. Part of us make this steemit media as the company where we work, that is with free time and big income.

Even for the time in my country has reached approximately 9000 Users and 95% are active users.

Steemit is the future!

  • Do nothing to prevent this positive blockchain trip
  • Steemit has found so many positive characters for humans
  • Steemit has given human rights to work
  • Steemit has created job opportunities for those active unemployed
  • Steemit Has approached fellow human beings
  • Steemit has cultivated a positive community among the people
  • Steemit has changed the mindset of the lower classes of human beings into thinking towards a bright future
  • Steemit 100% Positive

This is my remark to steemit
"Congratulations have survived for 2 years now"

What did you say and what did you say about steemit?

SourceImage : Cover || Old men laughed || Steemit - positive media

Author: @iamfo


2 Tahun telah berjalan setelah steemit diluncurkan, Melalui akun pertama @steemit telah dipanggil sebuah kalimat motivasi dan selamat datang ke masyarakat.

Steemit Diluncurkan pada bulan Maret dan mulai menonjol pada bulan Juli, Steemit, platform media sosial blockchain yang mencurigakan sendiri, telah melihat tingkat ketenaran ini dalam beberapa bulan pertama operasinya.

Apa itu steemit

Seperti dikutip dari, Yaitu Ceo Steemit @NED Scott Menjelaskan:

Ini adalah blockchain yang memberi tahu pemegang Steem Dollars bahwa, kapanpun di masa depan, blockchain tersebut akan mengubah nilai Steem Dollars menjadi nilai dolar Steem setelah proses konversi tujuh hari.

Pada awalnya, semua orang yang mengetahui tentang media ini kesulitan menggunakan, mereka tidak tahu bagaimana mendamaikannya untuk menghasilkan uang. Tapi seiring berjalannya waktu pengguna menanamkan tumbuh di berbagai negara dan dengan kemampuan mereka dalam menciptakan konten yang luar biasa.

Sejauh ini sudah ada berbagai cara bagi masyarakat untuk menyampaikan atau mempublikasikan konten kreatif mereka. Ada begitu banyak #hastag dan setiap hastag memilikinya sejumlah kurator atau yang disebut dengan tim pengawas.

Apa tanggapan masyarakat dunia terhadap steemit?

Saya pribadi tidak bisa mengumpulkan begitu banyak kata untuk memuji orang-orang yang kukenal dan kepada mereka yang mendirikan media blockchain ini, Tapi Anda dapat melihat setiap hari ada orang-orang yang baru bergabung dan memperkenalkan diri mereka di sana #introduceyourself. Mungkin situasinya menjelaskan bahwa banyak masyarakat dan keluarga telah merasakan dampak positif dari steemit.

Teman saya di sini telah berhasil memberikan yang terbaik untuk keluarga mereka:

  • Mereka membangun rumah tempat mereka tinggal
  • Tinggal keluarga
  • Membeli kendaraan
  • Membantu orang miskin dan melakukan amal
  • dll

Begitu banyak hal positif terjadi!

Jadi saya tidak bisa menggambarkan satu per satu keuntungan karena saya juga sudah merasakannya, begitu banyak kebahagiaan yang kita rasakan. Sebagian dari kita menjadikan media steemit ini sebagai perusahaan tempat kita bekerja, yaitu dengan waktu luang dan penghasilan besar.

Bahkan untuk saat ini di negara saya telah mencapai sekitar 9000 Pengguna dan 95% adalah pengguna aktif.

  • Steemit adalah masa depan!
  • Jangan melakukan apapun untuk mencegah perjalanan blockchain positif ini
  • Steemit telah menemukan begitu banyak karakter positif bagi manusia
  • Steemit telah memberi hak asasi untuk bekerja
  • Steemit telah menciptakan lapangan kerja bagi mereka yang masih aktif menganggur
  • Steemit Telah mendekati sesama manusia
  • Steemit telah membudidayakan komunitas positif di kalangan masyarakat
  • Steemit telah mengubah pola pikir kelas bawah manusia menjadi pemikiran menuju masa depan yang cerah
  • Steemit 100% Positif

This is my remark to steemit
"Congratulations have survived for 2 years now"

What did you say and what did you say about steemit?

SourceImage : Cover || Old men laughed || Steemit - positive media

Author: @iamfo


May this media continue to survive all the time, So that we are all free in the face of economic decline in life

Im realy appreciate for ur improve

This is very good, I can understand every detail explanation about the steemit and its benefits. You are the inspiration of society, I hope we all can overcome it.

I hope hop so!!!

Keep smiling for the steemit users...

Keep speerit dude

Steemit is a place of creativity development for future generations of youth

Yes buddy

a very good media in supporting the economy of the general public, do not waste this opportunity

Let's take the benefits before this ends

Good media that support knowledge or work in the field of steemit

bereeeh ngon.
seharusnya penulisan ini mendapatkan Reward yang besar.
saya suka tulisan anda

Saya pun, haha

I agree with you. Steemit is a storehouse of science in writing, with steemit we also know the news about the world. Steemit also gives a lot of positive things. Many steemit users use their earnings to charity, among them yesterday helping fire victims at Simpang Keramat. Steemit breaks the unemployment rate. I support you completely.👍👍👍Proud of you

But I have seen the other side of it, that positive is in you!