Steemit's rising userbase, what might change?

in #steemit9 years ago

Rising popularity of steemit

Steemit is about to reach 50k userbase soon(It might have already reached by the time I finish writing) and it's a good news. Why? Because as time passes and new users sign up, more people will be interested in topics that have scarce demand right now. People with similar interests will gather up and vote thereby creating more curators/whales(not sure which is the right word: people with high voting power) interested in that specific topic, eventually benefiting all other members(minnows).

This is the best time to build your reputation don't miss this opportunity

Steemit has ~50k users while Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and reddit all have hundreds of millions of users. If you think practically, it's actually more difficult for a newbie to get the same level of fame in other social network as compared to steemit. Sure, there are more people who have same interests as you and like your work but there are thousands of such people in there, so odds are far less that you'll be recognized and remembered there. That's not all, making thousands of dollars in 12 hours posting an article is impossible elsewhere.

This probably explains why some people complain about "not making enough money despite putting lot of effort fine tuning their post" being the reason they're about leave steemit, but still stick to it.

Should you quit?(for users who've lost all hope here)

It has a simple answer yet it might be difficult for a few to decide.

Does it cost you anything to be here? Yes. Time, Lot of it! Like any other social networking website, steemit is also addictive and the scope of earning money further intensifies that addiction. So, how to decide?

As they say ,

Time is money

Think, whether you're doing the right thing investing your time and effort here. Think about the worst case scenario where you don't earn anything: would you learn something new? Would you gain new experience which can help you in the future? Would you be happy that you gave it your best?

If the answer is yes, stay. If it's no, then also I insist that you stay and observe the posts. I'm not asking you to leave your important work and research here, just use the time that you'd otherwise waste on unproductive work(if any) to understand how to write good articles.. and who knows, the whales might bless you seeing your effort!

Thanks for reading, I hope it helped you. :)


Does it cost you anything to be here?

I don't quite get how many within the steem community are all About "cost benefit analysis". I'm a mathematician and studied as an economist during which time I did nothing else than equating margincal cost curves and marginal benefit curves, maybe that's why I don't seek that here and appreciate the fun that steem offers :-) cheers

I appreciate that you don't apply

cost benefit analysis
here, and truly enjoy this community! That part was for people leaving steemit because they couldn't earn money. :)

Wasn't directed specificately at you :-) but I think that people who leave steem are for a large part driven by dissappointment, and dissappointment is often related to a mismatch between expectations and reality. And steem is like anything else in the world, if you go somewhere expecting an easy cash grab you're probably gonna end up dissapointed.

50045 and still climbing!

Thanks for the stats update! :D

Steemit as a platform is creating things of value. Art, blogs, news, discussion. So much to learn. That's what is getting so many people to come, and that's why I think they'll stay.

I agree but money has some weight in these decision(for a few) although that will change once they start seeing it as a platform for growth of knowledge and experience rather than Steem Dollars/Power.

I am glad to be part of this social experiment. I want to stay to see how it turns out

I upvote U