Even if a comment is extremely vile and personal, I urge you to presume that the targeted person is a good, strong man or woman who can handle it without your assistance. Post your own condemnation of the hate speech, in order to rebuke the hater and also express solidarity and moral support for the targeted person.
It might seem insensitive for me to say this, but any person who participates in a speech forum has a duty to be strong enough to handle ANY speech directed against him. Censorship is so dangerous and so harmful to discourse that personal strength is the ante that you must put onto the table in order to sit down and be dealt cards.
Your point about muting is well taken. I really don't see any alternative. I'm probably going to start blogging to develop a consensus document that will state recommended policies for users who, like me, have limited time and are here seeking relationships with others.
You make very valid points and free speech is very dear to me, so I do not dismiss your opinion in the slightest and in-fact probably agree with the bulk of your as stance. I believe my voting record which is of course very visible, more than likely supports your viewpoint more than my words do.
I am very interested in such a document, give me a shout when you get something posted. Not sure how it would be utilized since the consensus is really controlled more by voting power (money) than the number of voters.
Enjoyed the discussion!