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RE: Steemit is useless for small fishes and very profitable for whales

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Very amusing.

I was thinking similar thoughts myself.

However, my solution is different.
Devious 😈 strategies often come into my mind.
..An epiphany

I've gained a following on twitter
"Doh! Of coooourse!!!"
as TYT's Cenk..
Uygur likes to say.

Cenk Uygur needs his own ¦hashflag¦.
Follow ¦Cenk¦

So, it's Cenk Ughur, or 🏹 🍼🏹 🍼, which could mean he shoots baby milk arrows or he throws it up.
Babies are very messy as we now & Cenk is clearly a brownnoser to Hillary, so I think the picture below explains what he's about., and I will gradually 🎣🎣 #lure them over here, by posting fewer tweets with 🌌🌌 #deep content & more & more links to #steemit #articles! to find out what his name means. It alludes to "battle", but as he likes to shoot arrows from afar, we'll give to him the symbol 🏹🏹 #Cenk. His surname is too much like "yoghurt" to ignore, so given that he's a crazy lefty & we are talking dairy, we'll give to him the symbol 🍼🍼 #Ughur
