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RE: Steemit: Living the Dream

in #steemit7 years ago

Anybody can decide for themselves, but harming and murdering anyone isnt COOL. For us doctors and nurses, we rather prefer treating real heart attacks than those induced by cocaine just because they were having fun or celebrating bdays and whatever.
As for laws, dont forget that some lawmakers actually protect shitty drug lords for money,as well as some policemen peddling what they have confiscated again for money.
For some its a cycle, druglords put greedy politicians in office for the same reason.


but harming and murdering anyone isnt COOL


Het totaal verkeersdoden in 2014 bedroeg 570 (3). Als we uitgaan van deze 20% zou het aantal alcoholgerelateerde verkeersdoden 114 bedragen.

114 cases of death related to alcohol (approximated) That's not cool also Should we take your wine now? Or are you still capable of to decide for yourself? Why don't you talk about those alcohol accidents?

btw dont get me wrong, i have much respect for the work you do.

No, we are just making a conversation..right?
Now alcohol..taking some wine at mealtimes surely is harmless, compared to binging and being silly in the streets. Still harmless only to themselves.
It's a different story when DUI causing accidents, don't forget those fights drunk people get into causing harm to each other..can be death.
Can u imagine a scenario where it says "war on alcohol"??? lolsss


You got me stuck at my laptop.. (my fault) I must leave my laptop alone. Too much on Steemit. I go watch a movie or something..

Talk to you soon :)


My fault lolsss

As for laws, dont forget that some lawmakers actually protect shitty drug lords for money,as well as > some policemen peddling what they have confiscated again for money.
For some its a cycle, druglords put greedy politicians in office for the same reason

Well said, im glad you know.

War on drugs involve everyone, from politician protectors, drug lords..and who else. If it's established that the opposition is receiving drug money for their party..
If the war in Mindanao involves drug as well...then gather all data and the President's war on drugs will cover it all.