I find my self on the back of a dirt bike, riding into the sunset of the Namibian Desert!
Join me on this crazy action packed adventure!
We set off on our journey, First stop and meeting point we load the bikes on to the backup vehicle for the short tar road section
As usual, some hiccups along the way, blew a seal on my sprocket shaft
Always go prepared, luckily i had bought a spare
Bikes are loaded, And ready to go!
Nothing quite like a good backside
The 2015 YZ450 F is a force to be ware! Boy does it kick like a mule!
Quick pit stop and a snap of the beast in the Kalahari
Every view is amazing!
Screaming along the dirt roads of Namibia
The back up crew hot on our heels
Back up crew used for exactly what they are,, Backup
Stopping at an infamous ghost house
Actually really beautiful inside with an amazing view
A broken air intake on the BMW cut that days leg short and we had to load her up
Lucky we have the backup crew
Shortly after we loaded her up, the trailer broke!
Can you guess who came to say Hello
Some friends stopped by in their Glider!
How cool is this, All the way flown in from South Africa
Camping that night
These little buggers kept creeping up on us!
Last Day on the Dunes
What an amazing feeling riding up that wall!
All the way to the top no problem
Say cheese to the camera
Well thats all from the Namib Desert bike trip
I will be posting some more soon :)
A couple of my other stories
- Travel Diaries, South Africa #3
- Travel Diaries, South Africa #2
- Travel Diaries, South Africa #1
- Travel Diaries, Portugal
- Sunrise Diaries
- Super Yacht Part 1
- Super Yacht Part 2
- How to get into yachting
These pictures are beautiful. Seems like a great journey to go on! Must have been really fun.
Yeah Was loads of fun :)