The8App and Steemit have a vision of how social media should be

in #steemit8 years ago


And i'm pretty sure that the same vision transfers well on Steemit. The alternatives to embracing the vision are Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

If you read what i write on Infobunny then you will know what i think of Facebook. If you don't know then i suggest you read my Facebook is a bad habit post.
Why do i think like this? well only last week it was reported that Facebook is rolling out a paid to post messages where you can pay to post to people not on your friends lists. Sounds a lot like paid to spam to me.

If you want to change social media then here is what you do

1/ Keep using STEEMIT and follow @infobunny

2/ Join us on The8App, add a second social revenue stream to your metaphorical bow and follow @dexterroona on The8App

Watch this short video for a sense of what The8App is all about


Anything that supports the end of biased content creation has my support. Up you go.

@kevinfontolan thanks Kevin im following you now. Have you joined us on The8App?

@infobunny I'm at work atm, but will surely do so tonight. Thank you for the follow!

your welcome... and great make sure that you make a post and follow @dexterroona so i get notified and can then find you and give you a shoutout

Couldn't agree more with that statement.

You can only go UP from here! You got my vote! Resteemed

That is a very well done attention grabbing video, Steemit needs something as attention grabbing with the same wow factor. What it doesn't explain is how you get paid, I guess you must sign up first. Seems like you get offers for you to post from brands and you earn from that...
Isn't that a kind of spam? Exactly what we are trying to avoid.

no not spam, no different from sharing anything that you like for example. I could post a pic and some text of me drinking a beer and not get paid or instead i could do the same and tag the brands link on at the end and get paid. And yes you get offers from brands that you can choose to accept or decline. The offers can be cash, discounts or product... Your also paid for view to ads that run on your pages. I wrote about the posting process here, it might help you understand a bit more

Thank you for that, it's all a lot clearer now.👓

no worries... i hope i see you on 8 soon

Love the 8 app and loads of respect for it's founder. Heck I've made MANY free graphics for the site out of love for what it represents.

awesome yes... it stands for what social media needs

Awesome, I'm going to look into The8APP as soon as I've got a spare minute. Couldn't agree with you more on FB... I'm not a fan of where it's going and really ever since I've been on Steemit it looks worse every time I log on. Completely agree with @pqlenator on the comment about Steemit having some kind of a video presence like the The8APP one here, that's really well done!!

Yes @judym they are working very hard to grow and develop the platform. I hope i see you on 8 soon make sure you follow @dexterroona so i can find you

Will do for sure, see you on there

@judym awesome create a post and tag me so i get that notification

@JUDYM did you join us?

True! They both reward the content creators - socialmedia land is changing fast