Steemit- "Insider Trading" myth or fact

This is something I have thought about. This is not a traditional market place. Nor has it been presented as such. However, what drew me to steemit, is what now pulling me away. One of the first posts I read; was touching in that one of the whales donated steem. To a homeless man. Which was so awesome. To see a member giving back, And how this platform can empower those in 3rd world countries. and further the empowerment of women. I love this stuff. Stick it to the man. A place were the common can rise, above their circumstances. Well that was my hope and prayer.
However, now after a weeks of reading and watching voting . I see patterns, which defy logic. A new member joins and 3 hour later she . he or it. Has earned steem and the power to go with it. It's like an IPO that some how you missed. Or more like the blackbox electronic trading. A mystery fit for Kojak, but truly the case would be more intuned by the like's of Harry Potter and his gang.
This is something I have thought about. This is not a traditional market place. Nor has it been presented as such. However, what drew me to steemit, is what is also pulling me away. One of the first posts I read; was touching in that one of the whales donated steem. Which was so awesome. To see a member giving back, And how this platform can empower those in 3rd world countries. and further the empowerment of women. I love this stuff.
Its just simply seems some are the chosen ones before they even hit the post button. I hope Im wrong. I hope it's just me being frustrated with the time I've invested.
Its just simply seems some are the chosen ones, before they even hit the post button. I hope Im wrong. I hope it's just me being frustrated with the time I've invested.
Your not wrong, there is favoritism here, and it is towards the females and travel. Sadly, anything related to steem also just gets whale voted. I refuse to write whale junk.
Steemit also rewards effort, though not perfectly. My vote isn't worth a lot, but I don't vote for posts like this because it has whole sections of text repeated. It wasn't proof read before being posted. If you want to be rewarded, write better posts.
Thank you