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RE: Are we only here to feed the narcissists?

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Are you promoting STEEM soley as a 'thing' where you can make huge amounts in short times?

I think you completely misunderstood @dollarvigilante 's message. He said just the opposite.

All he said is this:

  • Steem is great as it allows you to leverage your existing reputation.
  • On Steem you cannot expect to make big money quickly, unless you already have a reputation (and reputation is earned through hard work).

So no, he's not promoting Steem soley as a 'thing' where you can make huge amounts in short times. He never said anything like that. This is just how you interpret his message.

Your interpretation of @dollarvigilante 's message is flawed, not the message itself.


I don't begrudge anyone's success on here but I have to say that history shows us that there are plenty of people who work hard and don't end up successful as well as many successful people who didn't work hard. They do correlate sometimes though.