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RE: An open-ended question to @ned and @dan

in #steemit8 years ago

I don't know much about the situation, however if it is an issue of downvoting because they feel the posts are incorrectly valued, fine. I agree a comment explaining downvote would be nice.

As far as not seeing payout related to value that is fine for now. We are new. Right now, steemit is a numbers game. But guess when this site is huge, the cream will rise. I believe the most valued posts a year from now will be held to a higher standard than today. However, this takes time. I believe in steemit. my job is to create the best quality content that I can. Perceived value will come in it's time if I keep doing my job. No need to bother that vacation posts and pretty girls make bank. I like exotic lands and pretty girls.


I agree that some posts are incorrectly valued, however I think that is not to blame the author. After all, the community upvotes it (and ofcourse a billion bots I bet).

No need to bother that vacation posts and pretty girls make bank. I like exotic lands and pretty girls.

There's a reason the sex industry makes billions, haha. It is simply what people like. But the author is not to blame. I think they should either do something about the bots, or the upvote curve or something - but punishing the author sounds kinda unfair to me..

Honestly, if they start downvoting big authors like them, they should return the favor and give big upvotes to small authors.