why "I was just doing my job" is NO excuse or justification at all!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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To the Order Followers out there and even to those who support them, be it police or military, no matter the circumstances, you and ONLY you are always responsible for the actions that you CHOOSE to take. It doesnt matter if SOMEONE ELSE told you to execute an action, YOU are the one who ACTUALLY executes that action therefore YOU are ALWAYS ultimately responsible for it. The excuse that you were just doing what someone else told you to do is just that, an excuse, it is an attempt to pass the the responsibility or blame onto someone else. This in reality is impossible as no one physically MADE you chose to take an action, YOU decided to carry out the action yourself regardless of what it was and regardless of who said to do it, and now you have to live with that choice.

Just 'doing you're job' is NEVER an excuse or justification for choosing to carry out an action, especially when the action being carried out results in the violation of someone elses rights, freedoms, property or life. You CHOSE to do it, therefore YOU are to blame for it, not your 'superior' although they too are immoral for even advocating such actions be taken but they didnt pick up the weapons, they didnt pull the triggers, they didnt take the actions that resulted in harm to others, YOU DID, and no amount of 'I was just following orders ' or ' I was just doing my job' will EVER make it ok for anyone to take actions that result in violating others, nor will it absolve YOU from responsibility for what you did.

All those excuses mean is that instead of accepting full responsibility for everything that you do in life, you tried to pass that responsibility onto someone else, instead of thinking for yourself what is morally right and wrong, you just did what someone else told you to, regardless of whether it was even moral or not.

Choosing to do what is RIGHT over what is WRONG is to choose that which DOES NOT violate another living beings freedom, rights, property or life and this is always infinitely more important than simply 'doing your job', if your 'job' requires you to commit immoral acts by violating other living beings then quit that job, dont sell your morality or your soul just for a pay check.


It's a bit of topic but, I as an non native english speaker can't help but notice.
The word "just" which could be interpreted as. I was ONLY doing my job.
But also "just" could be seen in this sentence as having an other meaning of Just
As in; I was RIGHTIOUS doing my job etc.

Or am I too Orwellian here ;)

Good post by the way. :)

This blog is very very narrowminded and narcissitic. You do realize that you could get discharged for disobeying orders, correct?

Find another job? Jobs are scarce these days. They don't hand out jobs like they used to. We are just trying to make money to provide for our families. There aren't many jobs out there.