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RE: If you could change one thing about STEEM/Steemit, what would it be?

in #steemit7 years ago

You call it censorship I call it community policing the platform. The content isn't gone an if the community thinks it is worth something, they can un-hide it and even bring it to the top.

STEEM would be an absolute disaster if there was no way to hide and discourage bad content. I remember I flagged a spammer a few months ago, so he started spamming porn images to all my posts and user comments.

What if someone posts child porn, hate speech, threats, personal information, stolen content, spam, do you still stand behind your censorship stance?


thank you for your clarification, ive just seen posts where no hate etc was involved and couldnt understand why they were hidden, they were hidden due to low ratings, censorship is an interesting debate topic ( i dont condone any hate viloence etc)

then we get into who decides what is hate and what is not
for example : some one says i dont believe in a man with man relationship i think its wrong, however i will still serve them in a restaurant etc.

do they have a right to thier opinion, just not a right to post thier opnion

also we have laws where its illegal to post child porn etc (thank god)
Yes we have to censor this its common sense, its disgusting evil etc.

its the argument does a censorship free site post everything?no matter how revolting disgusting , does a censorship free site post illegal material.
we could say steemit is a censorhip free site up to the point of posting illegal material( again which i would never condone.)

so i guess i dont belive in censorship up to point where it becomes illegal to post something.

when does the above statement become hate speech.

however i do understand what your saying,

again i do not condone hate speech etc,child porn etc.

What gets rewarded, unrewarded, and hidden is a community effort. That's not censorship.