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RE: Exposing Steemit Voting Collusion [6 potential voting rings found]

in #steemit8 years ago

@sigmondnash I see what you are trying to do, I appreciate the opportunity for discussion, however it's pretty awkward for those who are new to the Steemit community finding their names on this 'voting collusion' list. Just so we're on the same page a colluder is:

verb (used without object), colluded, colluding. 1. to act together through a secret understanding, especially with evil or harmful intent. 2. to conspire in a fraud.

Intended or not, that is the accusation.

People following and upvoting @mericanhomestead are especially not colluding. He's a (former) youtuber who is transitioning to Steemit. You may see 10 of thousands of 'colluders' someday following him. Peace. @ironshield